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Question XSY in piapro studio?


New Fan
Feb 1, 2021
How do you choose the vocaloids you want to cross synthesize in piapro studio for v4x? (wish i had vocaloid 4 editor ;-; and v5 is really expensive so I'm sticking to piapro and I like xsy)


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
You'll go to the singer list and then choose to Edit Singer Parameters; make sure you have the list expanded (Click the green 2nd button), and it'll let you change your secondary singer. Then when you select the XSY parameter, it'll let you cross-synth between the two chosen banks! (Picture from the Piapro website because I'm at work.)


(Also, fun fact! You can get 10% off of V5 if you have a functioning VB. They'll have you enter the serial at checkout, et voila! As someone who loves and heavily abuses XSY, V5's features more than make up for the lack of it. Just wanted to throw in my two cents!)
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