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VocaVerse Sprites by lIlI


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
What about one with heart eyes to show they love something?

It's okay, I also struggle to keep track of my children.
Even Rion's company forgot what she looked like.

Thank you for your suggestions so far, everyone! I'll be trying them out very soon. Feel free to suggest more whenever one comes to mind.
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Apr 8, 2018
I think it'd be nice to have an emote that had a really intense glare, in a "are you serious?" or "wtf did you just say?" sorta way. I've been trying to find an example, but nothing is exactly what I have in mind. The closest is something like Miss Kobayashi's "dead fish eyes," which is used as an emote in some discord servers I hang out in:

This is pretty close but not quite intense enough. What I have in mind is less bored and more shocked/annoyed/angry.

I'm also not sure how easily you could pull off this sort of thing in your style though, especially with the pixelated style. The eyes would probably have to be extra big to make small pupils visible. But I would love to see what you come up with!
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Stan Yuezheng Longya
Apr 8, 2018
One of these 3? Highly preferably with Longya
(Sorry I just scribbled it really fast because idk how to explain it)
Honestly though I would rather like the 1st or 3rd but whatever


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
If I had to make one more suggestion, I would ask for a surprised emotion! Like a "`o`" face if you get me?
The closest thing we have is Stardust, but her sparkly eyes are more like happiness/intrigue


Aspiring Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Oliver is so happy and ready for adventure and Moke's ready to die. They're adorable and I love it.
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