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Vocaloid 2 Activation


New Fan
May 25, 2021
Guys a question, but how can I know how many of my three Vocaloid2 voicebanks activations are active? like if by chance I were to somehow lose access to the PC where I have activated my voicebanks, can i somehow deactivate from the activation? example I have activated 1 out of 3 the of my activations, can i in someway deactivate them from the rest of the other PCs where it is activated?


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
If you are on a different PC and/or your PC that had the voices on them doesnt work/cant be accessed you will not be able to deactivate the voices. you need to deactivate them prior to that (which yes, impractical when you cant exactly plan to lose access to a PC...)

longer explanation: this is because the activation is on your specific hard drive and unless you can move that drive *as it is* (as in, no reinstall on windows at all-- which is very much impossible unless the new PC is identical. you cant just plug in a C: drive from one PC to another), you wont gain access to the original activation.
something important to know, as a potential fallback, is there is an option when activating to "activate on LAN card" or something similar (automatically it is something like "on HDD/hard drive") which means the activation is not on the HDD but actually your LAN/internet card. if you were to do that, you could have a potential way to recover the activations as you could remove the LAN card. This is of course assuming you have a LAN/internet card to do that too. i have a much longer reply about it in this thread


New Fan
May 25, 2021
oh!! i understood! thanks ^^ and another question sorry
if by chance my PC was attacked by a Virus, could it somehow infect my license? and I don't even think that some hacker could access it or something, right ? I ask because after how much all these voicebanks cost me, I wouldn't want anything to happen somehow XD
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v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
Kind of depends on the virus but its unlikely youd ever run into one that would be capable of that unless it somehow wipes your entire system, registry or formats you hard drive but... its very very unlikely youd ever face a virus like that on your PC by accident or unknowingly.

while most will also say contacting companies to reset your activations when you run out is pointless, i did do it when my PC died and i had some pretty good luck actually. so if it comes down to it, you can always try and contact them if you run out due to PC failure.


New Fan
May 25, 2021
yes i read what happened to you and i'm sorry, however i'm glad they were able to help you! thanks for the answer anyway! it's good to know that at least it's hard enough as a thing to happen XD , also because i don't think there is a hacker interested in vocaloid licenses >.>

“and I don't even think that some hacker could access it or something, right? “ I meant for a hacker to access my licence, sorry if in case it was not understood but I’m not good in English xD

Do you think it is possible via virtual machines to see how many activations have been used?
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v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
Yes, accessing your liscence would mean theyd really have to have full control of your computer and the ability to actually deactivate it or somehow find your code which isnt something id consider possible in any scenario (and its far too easy to pirate vocaloids these days so value wise? no real reason to do it lol).

as far as i can understand the only way to know how many activations have been used (aside from keeping track yourself) when you go to activate the vocaloid, it will often (i think) tell you again "youve have _ many activations". you can be on any PC activating a vocaloid again and will find this out, i think. i honestly cant recall if it tells you. however when i contacted a few companies, they actually knew (as its an online thing), though i wouldnt say its worth bothering them if youd like to know lol. you have 3 total i think for all vocaloids regardless.
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New Fan
May 25, 2021
You're right! It's just that I'm very paranoid, it's impossible that a hacker would want to see me putting code from a 2007 programme XD, anyway thank you so much for these answers! I just have to not worry and relax, thanks again for your time ^_^
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