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Vocal Synth Fandom Dreams

Have your vocal synth fandom interests appeared in your dreams?

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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I thought it might be fun to discuss if anyone has had their vocal synth interests appear in their dreams. Feel free to vote, and if you'd like, describe your dreams in a post!

The first dream I can remember clearly took place in an amusement park or something--just a single road with buildings on either side, all shops and no rides. It was the beginning of the twilight part of a fall evening, with an overcast gray sky. Near/at one end of the street, there was a low wood building painted dark brown. It was a concession building, so the walls were open halfway up. At the left side of the window, there was a tower of semi-prepackaged ice cream cones. (You picked a flavor from among them, and then the shop staff put the ice cream on.) I went up to the window and hemmed and hawed over which flavor I wanted, then found that I couldn't get my first choice and settled for something else. When I went back to the window to get another one (I think I ended up liking the second choice option; or maybe I was hoping to get a better one?), I saw that there was a picture of Miku on the paper wrapper around the cone, and I wondered if the ice cream was a special flavor of some kind.

I'm not really a big ice cream cone person, so I have no idea why I had this dream....

The next two are about going to concerts.

In the next dream, my folks and I were in the car. It wasn't a regular car, though. It was really futuristic and looked like it was made of glossy plastic in the shape of a white lima bean. It might have been self-driving. The road underneath it was single-lane and really thin, with silver rails on the edges--which kept cars from falling off (though ours was the only one) as they drove over the ocean. We were driving to Japan on vacation, and we were going to go see a concert.

We came up to the shore of the country. Japan was a really futuristic place, very clean-looking, with gleaming skyscrapers. Green trees were planted every so often along the streets, to add some greenery/naturalness. The buildings came up right to the edge of the ocean, and in fact there was a Venice-type thing going on--the road to the hotel (one of the skyscrapers) was right in front of us and was coming straight out into the water, and the ocean was flowing up onto the road and to either side of the T-shaped intersection in front of the hotel like the canals in Venice. In front of the hotel was a billboard. I remembered having seen the billboard in a travel agent's office or on TV; for some reason, I thought it might have been an ad for the concert, but it just had more trees and water on it. When I saw it, I got excited, because it seemed like we'd made it. But then we got a phone call from some relatives and had to turn around to help them with a problem they were having.

I won't bother elaborating on the scene with my relatives, but after that we drove back, and I remember seeing the shoreline in front of us again. That was where the dream stopped.

This dream took place in a huge building, multiple stories high. I think I remember being on 2-3 floors. The building was big, white, and modern, and reminded me a lot of a shopping mall, with different rooms to go to to do different things. There were people wandering around.

I think I spent maybe a minute on a lower floor, possibly in a basement, not doing much. On the main level, I remember being in front of a set of doors. This building was in Japan, too, and either I believed the concert was on the other side, or else I was looking for the concert but hadn't found it yet. I think I was looking for something--either the door to the concert, or else my folks had gotten lost and I was looking for them. I hurried around, looking for whatever, thinking I was going to miss the show. I ran into a older guy in a dark green military-looking uniform with the fuzzy tassled things on the shoulders. He was short and didn't look Japanese, with a tense or frowning expression, deep wrinkles with lots of extra skin around the folds, salt-and-pepper gray hair, bushy eyebrows, a somewhat long mustache, and a beard. He might have had dark eyes, either black or brown.

Around that time, there was a huge roaring sound, and I looked back toward a window. Sunlight was pouring in, and outside I saw the space shuttle cruising up into the sky, straight up past the building, only a few feet from the side! (I'm not sure if thinking that it was crazy that they'd launch a space shuttle right next to the building happened during the dream, or when I thought about it after waking up.) The older guy had been the head of Japan's space program.

As I looked at the window, I noticed a few thin screens hung like banners from either the wall, a pair of posts, or a single post. Miku was on screen, singing and jumping up and down. There wasn't any audio, but I think it was timed to the lift-off--the concert was to celebrate the launch.

Clearly, my dreams don't always make total sense, reflect reality, or even adhere to what I know to be true :) .
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Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I've had a few over the years but there's only two I remember and they're both pretty short,
Before I ever even owned Vocaloid I dreamt I owned Luka and Miku V4, and the other night I dreamt I found Len and Rin Act 1 in a bush.
I guess I dream about owning Vocaloids because theyre so expensive but I always want more :rana_lili:


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I had a few dreams about the Cryptons when I was younger, but I forget what they were about now. More recently I had an unsettling dream that I got my Kagamines and the box was a phony and they didn't work at all, during the nap I took today to stave off my migraine. They arrived about 3 hours after I woke up, and installed/activated just fine :rin_smile_lIlI::len_smile_lili:


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I had a dream last night that Haiyi arrived and was the size of a pamphlet, and I almost immediately tore up her packaging by accident. I know I've had a lot more than that - being autistic, when I have an interest in something, it's all-consuming, so it shows up in my dreams often - that's just the one I remember most vividly right now.


Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Apr 8, 2018
Ohh, dreams with vocal synths in them, hm?
I know I have had much more in the past that I can't remember at the moment unfortunately. Namely, some related to owning them like what cafenurse said, dreams with Vocaloid merchandise being in a store which was a dream back in November, one time Yohioloid was in a game unrelated to Vocaloid in the slightest...

My dreams are bizarre. Vocal synths don't appear in my dreams as much nowadays unfortunately. (Rather, I've been keeping track of the amount of times the character Cloud from the Final Fantasy series has been appearing, it's surprisingly frequent [over 30 times in 2019], but yeah, the dream with Yohioloid I mentioned had Cloud in it, sometimes both vocal synth-related and Cloud appear).

Anyways, I think my most memorable one is with Oliver, from a few years ago (I think I dreamed it twice).
Now, I did write it down one time but can't remember where I saved the notes. I'm going to have to go off memory, which may be a bit wrong.

An advertisement for Oliver (I believe either V3 or a potential update)
Outdoor setting, on some kind of outdoors-y tour bus, there is a group of people
Oliver is among them (This is Live Action, too), and he has sunglasses on, and does not have his coat.
There is music playing loudly, there's some kind of party going on.
I think it's an advertisement that played on Facebook.
If memory serves well, I think he also had money or something? Was he giving it out? I can't really remember.
I didn't really get the ad.

I guess I don't remember as much as I thought, but it was a short moment anyway. Not crazy partying, but just some calm, clean dancing with Oliver in his shades. No recollection of James, his bird, being there. Maybe.
Not sure why I had that dream - sometimes if I do something related or ponder about something it could end up appearing in my dream in some way. Maybe I was drawing Oliver that they?
Who knows, but hopefully my dream can still be entertaining, despite me not remembering what happened well. I love dreams like this haha :oliver_lili:


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Miku and other Cryptonloids have appeared in my dreams in one form or another a couple of times. Too bad I don't really remember anything specific :( Last weekend I had a dream with Meiko in it, but again, all I remember is her being there.

I usually forget everything about my dreams within an hour or two from waking up. When I was a teen I briefly tried keeping a dream diary (as soon as you can after waking up you write down what you remember from last night's dreams), that was kinda fun and interesting, but the habit didn't stick.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I had another one a few minutes ago. This one started in a dark...pathway? It was inside a building, like a hallway but open on one side, with painted cinder blocks on the other. A very tall room, dark and lit by blue lights from the bottom of the open area. The open area looked like a stage, but there was no one there. The pathway was crowded with people moving to/from the exits, and some staff members gathered to one side watching. There were doors on the cinder block side that seemed to go to bathrooms/etc.

Having gone down to the right along the path, I was sitting in the main theater. It was normally bright here, and I was sitting in one of the chairs, with red velvet/suede cushions and made of wood. There was a lot of wood, as the balconies (only 10-20 feet above me) were held up by unfinished rough wood boards for columns. I was very close to the stage, maybe 10-20 feet away, and the area around it was painted in pearlescent ivory (Pretty sure I drew on a cave rock formation for this one, as I can remember remembering the image of that stage-like rock formation, with its vertical columns of blurry creamy eroded/deposited stone, during the initial moment that I looked at the stage.). The curtains were red, I think, and the area was very tall (probably as tall as the open pit-like area from earlier) and the balcony was low enough that it probably cut off 2/3 the view, at least.

I'd been considering whether or not to try to get a picture to commemorate the experience, so I took out my phone. During this time, the MC comes out, says Miku and the rest of the show will be here anytime or something. I wanted to put my phone on silent, got confused between that and turning off the network, found that I'd already turned the ringer off...turned off the network, too.... And then a different guy shows up, apparently from the arriving crew, and I can hear a loud clattering, like a team of horses thundering along outside on the right. The guy says they're getting there, and, pointing toward the back, that he can see Berwyn the fish-man (?), who I guess was driving the horses, since he must have been visible from the outside? And around that time, a holographic window or something pops up over the audience's heads on my left, and it seems tied to the wavy-iconed stuff I've just been turning off on my phone: it shows a picture of...something I can't remember--a stream or the rocks next to a stream or something, I think, which changes into a fish jumping out of a river... (? Yeah.).

There's maybe a second or two of silence, and I start wondering where the show is. Then the audience starts chanting, "Miku! Miku!" No one has penlights, so we're just pumping our fists. There are a few more seconds of silence, and still waiting for the show, I wonder what the first song will be. And suddenly, no one's arrived yet, but I can hear it; I can't be sure of the order, but I think I might have heard the start of Sweet Devil, and definitely 39 Music! (which I'm sure I pulled from Mirai 2016). There are a few more seconds of silence, during which I wonder if that was just me imagining things, or some precognition about the upcoming show.

And then I wake up.
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Longtime Listener
Apr 8, 2018
Honestly I'm kind of surprised how little they seem to show up in my dreams since I've had loads of dreams about fandoms that have come and gone over the years X'D The only vocal synth dream I clearly remember is I found someone's box (I want to say it was Lily's or maybe the Kagamines) at Walmart for a ridiculously low price
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Oct 8, 2019
My friend had trouble selling his car, nobody was buying it. I wasn't in the dream per se...it was more like I was just observing it and I kept telling him to put huge Hatsune Miku sticker on it so it sells better....yknow in frustration and in similar fashion as you'd be yelling at a TV when someone did stupid thing in a show.

Either way, I told him my dream when I woke up and he took dream!me's advice to heart...it was a good advice after all.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I had this one last night.

My dream started off in a grassy courtyard in the twilight of an early, overcast evening. I had the feeling that I was trying to get away from someone. There was a building to my left with a glass front that looked like a library, so I went inside.

The inside was sort of like a bookstore. There were cushy armchairs and sofas crowded together near the front. Lights on the walls and a lamp among the furniture gave the place kind of a warm, yellow glow. Lots of people were looking for books or gathered near the front talking, so there was a good buzz of noise. Around the three solid sides of the room, there were bookshelves probably about 7 feet high. There was a desk to my right, and as it occurred to me that the glass wall wasn't the best for hiding behind, I walked up to it.

I got to a second floor somehow. On my left was another line of high bookshelves, and I could see another on the opposite wall. In front of that wall, but on the other side of something else (I'm not sure what; it might have been a mezzanine area, or else there were just more rows of bookshelves there.), there was another cluster of armchairs/sofas. I think there might have been a group sitting in them, but I'm not sure. It was a lot darker up there, too dark to read by unless you squinted, with the exception of areas along the walls next to a light, or in the armchairs.

To the right, the wall was made up mostly of wooden doors to little cubbyhole offices like I saw at my university once. I noticed that someone had stuck a sticker on the left side of the doorframe of one of them. It was small and yellow, a little bigger than the return address label you might put on a letter. The text was arced and written in a white font like on those "Welcome to [insert location here]" postcards or signs. I had to concentrate hard in order to read it--it's always hard for me to read stuff in dreams, and the sticker had been graffitied, too. Some of the letters had been spaced out oddly, like it had been torn and/or there was a black line of graffiti there. But when I got the words to come into focus, the text resolved into "Eleanor Forte," and I could see a picture of Ellie below them. The words, "Eleanor Forte is coming," came to mind, and I thought it might be an ad for a concert or some other marketing initiative.


Longtime Listener
Apr 8, 2018
I had a dream where someone badmouthed a favorite Vocaloid of mine on Twitter and in a fit of rage I replied, "ALL VOCALOIDS ARE BAD!!" and then the entirety of VocaTwitter just absolutely destroyed my notifications attacking me

It felt so real that I was a little afraid to check Twitter when I woke up. I was thinking, "I'm not really THAT petty though, right? :kyo_ani_lili:"

(I think this happened a few weeks ago when Vocaloid unpopular opinions were trending on Twitter shdhd that probably helped add to the realism)
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Last night, I had one that started off on a commuter train. My folks and I had just sat down in one, headed to a concert. The train was silver and cramped, like an airstream trailer. Almost immediately after it started moving, it plunged down into this dark tunnel like a roller coaster.

The next thing I remember is walking through this (semi-?)outdoor tunnel, like a lava tube on the side of a mountain. I think we might have been on a moving walkway. There were bright lights shining against some of the crannies in the walls to light the place up, and TV screens that I think my brain meant to be showing concert footage but were actually showing something that looked like the news. I could hear the music coming from further on, through the wall on my left, but there was a mistake there, too, since the music was human rather than Vocaloid. I remember feeling the need to hurry. I reached behind me without looking back, grabbed Miku's hand (another surprise being that I could feel it), and pulled her forward at a run down the passage.
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Aspiring Fan
Sep 6, 2020
I used to have dreams that had Vocaloids in them though almost all were very vague and fuzzy for the most part. I don't think I've had one past 2013.

For some reason concerts were a reoccurring theme. This is from 2012 mind you.... I think I was on NND and I found this live streaming concert so I clicked it. The sad thing is, when I found it, there was like...30min or less left. I think there were 5 or 6 Vocaloids on stage at once. Can't remember all who were there. What I remember most vividly was Kaito and to the right of him was Gakupo. My dreams are too vague I don't even remember hearing any of the songs.... I was going to click on timeshift so I could hopefully watch the whole thing later(can you do this on nnd? I don't remember timeshifting WHEN the stream is already happening) and think it didn't work. After that I don't remember anything else.

I had another dream from 2013. It was vague and short...I think I was at a Mikupa concert. I guess I got there early since not many fans were there. Then I saw someone I knew in rl call me. They were sitting further away from the stage, but I came up to them. They asked me something but I don't remember. Then it got really interesting(my worst nightmare actually). I found out that at this concert, there were only cosplayers! I felt pretty trolled. A Miku cosplayer was on stage. All I remember was someone hit her on the head with something(a leek?) and she fell sideways. Also if I remember correctly I saw a Luka cosplayer go right by me. The whole time I was like "WTF??" and I remember nothing else.

Yes cosplayers=bad even to me now X"D Just give me my 2d's!


Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Apr 8, 2018
Some random notes from a dream last night:

  • Vocaloid.com (or some Vocaloid site) was given a new/fresh look. Clean, more inviting, and the use of Orange, perhaps similar to Mirai Komachi/Bandai Namco's site in a way
  • VY2V5 was announced as coming soon (My dream must have ignored the actual VY2V5), an image was on the site in a slider. I don't remember the image, but he had an avatar/character illustration instead of the katana.
  • VY1V5 was also announced on a slider too (Similar story to above). She also had an avatar/character illustration instead of the fan.
  • I think it was VY1 or another coming soon female Vocaloid that also had 0.00000000 in the name (something along those lines)
  • Quite a handful of new Vocaloids were in that slider actually
  • And either on the same site or another, there were voicebanks for Pit and Dark Pit as Vocaloids. Yeah, Pit and Dark Pit from Kid Icarus. I don't know how that happened, I even think I owned Pit already. And it sounded strangely good from what I remember. (I remember I did have a dream one time long ago Mario had a voice synth like Voiceroid or AITalk)


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I had another one myself Monday night (9/21).

My dream started out as something different. I was at the front of an old school auditorium with a few other people, and it was basically a (very small) convention about upcoming video game hardware/other similar merch. There was showcased a new Mega Man platformer title that used a new console's gyroscopic motion controls for everything, and I remember thinking that it would play like crap because it would be basically impossible to control a platformer of that series with the kind of precision you needed to with motion controls. There was also a figure of some kind (like the kind you buy and display). It was blocky and all white, and it was posable--I remember using my hands to fold it, and there were some other kind of button controls to make it behave as you wanted, too. One of the selling points was that each figure was manipulated differently--so the sort of methods (folding, buttons) to pose one figure would be completely different on another. That struck me as working terribly also.

From there, the auditorium transformed (or was replaced by a room of a similar size). The people and other things that had been there were gone, and it was concert time! The room was actually rather small for the purpose--there might have been 200-300 people packed around 3 sides in the steep stadium-style seating. There was a stage on the floor, and a second level either floating midway up the wall or extending from the fourth wall in a parabolic shape. The edges of the floor were white, and there was a line of blue lighting halfway between the top and bottom. For that matter, the walls were shady but I think basically white, too. My folks and I were sitting in the upper half of the seats, to the right of the upper stage.

I expected Miku to appear on the lower level, but she didn't--a floating thick, circular apparatus of black metal/plastic appeared over the upper stage and projected her hologram in a diamond-shaped beam of blue-green light (Really, I think it was more like a triangle came up from the floor, and another triangle came down from the floating unit.).

I couldn't really hear the song that well--that, and/or it was one I didn't recognize. Around the time I realized that, everyone started taking out their phones, and the concert apparently had an AR component. I didn't have my phone with me, but looking at other people's, if you watched the performers through the camera, you would see stars and streamer light beams appear with them. While I was watching on someone else's phone, I saw that another character had appeared to sing with Miku. It was another girl I didn't recognize. She had white hair and seemed to sneer the whole time.

Sometime after that, CFM announced somehow (I think there was a component to it on the AR.) that they would be announcing CV04 sometime soon, but wouldn't be releasing any details at that time. But I think I might have changed my own dream at that point, because then an image of the new synth appeared on the AR screen I was watching. CV04 was a pair, like Rin/Len, of stuffed-animal bunnies, one white and the other very light pastel blue. Both had very long ears standing up from their heads and folding over about 1/3 of the way from the top. At least one had prominent blue button eyes; the other's eyes might have been blue, or maybe pink or purple.
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Apr 11, 2020
I just had a dream last night (26-27 Sep), but this one was only a very minor shift from reality. I don't remember all of it, but it's an UTAU-related dream, as realistic and bland as it is.

So basically was on Vocaverse and saw a video nearly identical to Kiki Sagawa's cover of Henceforth with the original art and everything, but he was singing to Lanterns by Xomu (a song I just can't get out of my head) instead with Japanese lyrics. At least the dream was able to get Kiki's voice right. Congrats to @jasmin00 for being the first person whose UTAU has appeared in my dreams!


Aspiring Fan
Jul 26, 2020
I just had a dream last night (26-27 Sep), but this one was only a very minor shift from reality. I don't remember all of it, but it's an UTAU-related dream, as realistic and bland as it is.

So basically was on Vocaverse and saw a video nearly identical to Kiki Sagawa's cover of Henceforth with the original art and everything, but he was singing to Lanterns by Xomu (a song I just can't get out of my head) instead with Japanese lyrics. At least the dream was able to get Kiki's voice right. Congrats to @jasmin00 for being the first person whose UTAU has appeared in my dreams!
Oh my god ahahaha I smiled irl while reading this, this was too sweet! :')
Now I actually want to cover that song with Kiki just for funs hehe


Aug 10, 2018
La-La Land
Ooooh, interesting thread! I wonder why I haven't found it earlier.

Vocal synth characters do appear in my dreams occasionally. I don't think I've had any such dreams lately, but a few years ago I used to have them pretty frequently, and I think I wrote some of them down to keep a record. Here's one I had in early 2016, featuring IA.
When I lived in New Zealand there was an abandoned apartment building near my school, which I often found myself wondering about.
One night I dreamed that the first two floors of that building had been refurbished into an expo with objects from all around the world (Spain, India, Japan and other countries), and my mum and I wanted to check it out. So we went there late one evening, and for some reason IA :ia_chickadee: decided to tag along wearing a white dress and a gigantic straw hat. The expo itself turned out to be a let-down, so the three of us went for a coffee (in one of the apartments, which was now an upscale café) and then IA suggested that we explore the upper floors of the building. These were still derelict and out of bounds to the public, but maybe that was why she found the idea so attractive?

We never got to do it. All of a sudden IA started screaming like crazy because the wind had blown her straw hat away, and she really cared about that hat because it had once been her mother's or something like that. So I went to retrieve the hat (it had landed in a grassy area in front of the building) and then handed it back to IA. Out of gratitude she, um... randomly started throwing up everywhere. 😳

And then I woke up.
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