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Unofficial Big Al TTS


Jul 18, 2019
I'm happy to announce Big Al is getting a unofficial tts using taco tron 2. His tts voice bank doesn't use any of his vocaloid samples. I'm just a fan and wanted to bring life to a old vocaloid. If PowerFx or his voice provider has any problem with it I'll happily delete it. More news coming soon.
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Oh! He does sound really good. I'm curious how you did this without using any of his Vocaloid samples?


Jul 18, 2019
His voice provider did some tutorials for powerfx took a while to find them. Was surprised how good he sound and how close he sounds to Big al and not his voice provider.
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Jul 18, 2019
Will train his voice more later today but making a back up so if the new voice sounds less like big Al we'll still have the original. Looking into ways to redistribute his voice and making an ToS for him. He'll probably be released in July or so.
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Jul 18, 2019
Testing out a new synthesis method that may delay the release. If it's successful then it'll add new language support and a greater control over pronunciation and pitch. I would release what I currently have but I don't want to confuse everyone when I come out with the new synthesis method in the upcoming month or so. Please be patient, if anyone wants to test and use the old bank message me.
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Jul 18, 2019
The new update allows for phoneme editing using ARPABET similar to synth v hopefully this will help with pronunciation errors. Working on improving the pitch and timing transfer.
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