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Issue twitter links not working at all?


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
not sure if this is a Me issue of a Forum issue. this has been happening for a bit but now its at the point where its very broken.
for a while when ive looked at posts with twitter links, it'd show the tweet embedded in the post/with a preview of the tweet. this was fine for a while but then the posts just weren't loading the previews...i could however, see the hyperlink, and could click it at least.

but now... its just totally broken. i see the twitter icon on the post but no tweet preview loads and i cannot even see the link that was put in the post, so i ultimately have no idea whats being shows/linked! i have no idea whats happened for this to occur, i havent changed anything in my settings.... im not sure what to do.
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Oct 8, 2019
Similar thing is happening to me with amazon embeds. They end up loading and loading and then what I see seeing instead of an embed I see an in-browser error message.
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cherish chika
Staff member
Mar 25, 2018
Do you mind me asking what browser you use? And if you maybe have any adblocks running? We're struggling to replicate the issue at the moment.

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