PV Music-Synced Effects

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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Has anyone worked with adding things like waveforms/colored orbs/etc. that respond to the music to their PVs? If you have, what software did you use?

I'm sort of interested in experimenting/seeing what kind of results I'd get, so ideally I'm looking to see if there's something simple to use, flexible in what it can create, and relatively cheap.


Apr 13, 2018
it really depends on what software you're using to edit the video, and there are even some tools (free and paid) to add that extra effect, but I recommend to stay with the video editing software you're used to and simply apply the audio visualizer effect ^-^
for example, if you use Kdenlive (one of best free opensource video editor, available both on linux and windows):
here is a simple tutorial:

hope it helped :lapis_smile_lili:


Noffy T. Coffee
Apr 8, 2018
It wouldn't fall in the cheap category but I would use After Effects for everything. Not only does it have built in audio spectrums you can customize, it also has a feature called "expressions" that let you write short code, such as linking an objects size to the audio track volume, etc. Since its Adobe, there's tons of tutorials for any audio effect imaginable.

For a free alternative, Blender is also pretty good about this too. It may not seem intuitive at first if you're making a 2d video, but it does have video compositing features, and lots of ways to make things move based on audio.

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