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Miku Expo 2023 VR


Dareka tasukete!
Apr 8, 2018
???, New York
I have immune problems from some health conditions and probably won’t be able to go to any large events for quite a while, so it’ll be really nice to see another concert. I just hope that they have a normal length set list and better song choices this time. (Also, let Rin sing please)
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Hm.... To be honest, I have mixed feelings about this.

One of my first reactions is that I'd be really disappointed if COVID was the end of in-person Expo concerts. Despite everything (which I'll get to in a moment), it's still a dream of mine to go one day.

(As sort of an aside, there's also something that occurrs to me regarding being concerned about how many people don't have access to VR equipment. But with something like Google Cardboard, you can basically turn an Android phone into a VR headset with just the purchase of a cheap kit that includes a specially-cut cardboard box and (I think?) some plastic lenses. So that barrier isn't necessarily insurmountable.)

On the other hand, I have to remember one of the things I really liked about Expo 2021 Online: it was universally accessible to everyone who had an internet connection.

My journey to purchasing Expo 2020 tickets was a long one. I spent a long time trying to help my family understand what vocal synths are and why they and the culture around them are awesome. My results were positive, but not nearly as positive as I would've liked. That was to be expected, I guess; it probably isn't possible for them to follow my path closely enough to see this part of the world from my perspective, and more importantly, they have competing circumstances that make them less amenable to it. Getting back to the story, I got my folks interested enough to be willing to go. Expo was miraculously coming to a location that circumstances lined up to make very convenient for us. We arranged that I'd buy us all tickets, although my folks being who they are, they insisted on paying me back for theirs (They knew the price, of course.). I still remember the euphoria of purchasing my first Miku concert tickets. And then, that very night, the first thing they did was complain about the cost. To this day, I don't think they understood how I felt when that concert fell through; they said it was fate and more or less left it at that. Honestly, I think they were relieved to get out of traveling even the feasible amount we would've had to.

Honestly, there's a part of me that finds the idea of trying to go through all that again deeply unappealing...even though I know that, if I had the same opportunity, there's almost no chance that I'd let it pass by.

My situation is only socially difficult. But I'm sure there are many others with more difficult problems. People who live nowhere near the cities where Expo ever comes, or who don't have the money to travel/for tickets, or the ability for whatever other reason.

I'm a big believer in what a powerful and positive experience the vocal synths, this culture, and these concerts can be. I'd like for as many as possible of the people who want to go to an in-person concert to be able to go. But for all those who can't (And the disparity seems to be LARGE; remember how Miku Expo 2021 tipped Twitter that day?), I'd like the virtual option to remain available. And, as I implied in the Miku Expo Rewind thread, I'd like to see the experience get pushed and enhanced and made more awesome even than Expo 2021 was.

To that end, I'd like to know more about what Expo VR is going to be, and I'm cautiously hopeful about what it might imply for the enhancement of the online platform. Although I desperately want the in-person Expo concerts to resume, too.
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Apr 13, 2018
two things ^-^
as for the VR platform, probably you'll be able to enjoy the concert also by watching the video online without VR, like it happened with previous VR concerts in Japan ^-^
and about why still online, is simply because Crypton can't take the risk of organizing a concert overseas and get it delayed or cancelled for various reasons. In Japan they started to make live concerts again just a few months ago, and still there are restrictions like the seats available (less than of 50% of venue capacity), wear masks and no vocal cheering. These kind of restrictions are applied by the government for any kind of public event in Japan, and I also think Crypton has to follow government guidelines in case of organizing an event overseas. Please understand that.. things are getting better and better, and will be better in the future, little by little:miku_lili::rin_smile_lIlI::len_smile_lili::luka_lili::kaito_smile_lili::meiko_lili:

edit: confirmed video available without VR ^-^

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Passionate Fan
Mar 6, 2022
The bright side is streaming allows people to watch who wouldn't otherwise be able to attend. While I do hope in person tours come back eventually (and they almost certainly will...it's just planning an international tour is still risky), I very much hope that they continue to offer streaming options. Being able to buy a streaming ticket for Magical Mirai this year was amazing.

Risking personnel getting sick and causing cancellations on the tour is also not something Crypton would want to risk, so I can see why they're being cautious. Especially given how bad of a fall/winter it's been for illnesses...
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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
In all honesty, I'm not really interested in this. Online concerts were a 2021 thing, when an in-person international tour would've been near impossible to make happen thanks to covid restrictions. The 2021 online Expo was a nice gesture from Crypton, kind of a "best we can do at the current situation" type of thing, but continuing with online-only events in 2023 just seems exaggeratedly cautious, at least from European perspective. Of course for a Japanese company to plan an international concert tour after 3 years in a situation where event hosting/production companies around the world have had some really difficult times, even finding a suitable local organiser might seem difficult.

Looking at the general reactions from the fandom, seems many fans were expecting a return to offline events, and are understandably disappointed, myself included. Crowdfunding will probably take longer to reach it's goal this time compared to 2021. Personally I won't be contributing.


Passionate Fan
Mar 6, 2022
Made a sizable pledge. It's nice that they also confirmed that live events are on for 2024. I'm hoping that will alleviate some peoples' concerns that they wouldn't go back to that.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I contributed also. Thrilled that they're planning in-person concerts for 2024--I don't want to imagine seeing the end of those, whether I can make it or not. Excited to see what the VR experience is like. Here's to a great concert!


Passionate Fan
Mar 6, 2022
USD conversions from the targets listed in JPY.

Current: $228,000 approx
Minimum goal: $301,445.44
Winning song performed: $339,126.12
Winning costume used: $376,882.50
Miku gets an additional costume: $414,570.75
Set list extended to 14 songs: $452,259.00
Set list extended to 15 songs: $489,939.26
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