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Issue w/ Piapro on Studio One 6 (free trial)


New Fan
Mar 14, 2023
I downloaded the Miku V4 english voicebank on Sonicwire, and I stayed up til 2 am trying to get it to download. I understand a lot of users have been having issues with Piapro and I've heard the rumors about how unnecessarily complicated it is to install. Those rumors were very much warranted. From what I have seen, I've gotten farther than most people. As you can see, I've succeeded in actually loading up the VSTi but when I go to click on the logo, it gives me a error message that, according to google translate, says that Piapro couldn't start. Is there a easy fix to this? I'm not completely sure, but if this isn't a easy fix, Vocaloid 4 standalone is a free alternative, correct? I'm not using this for anything professional, I just want to play around with Miku's voicebank, hence the reason I bought the demo and not the full version.1678816761881.png1678816816691.png


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I've fortunately not had any issues with installing Piapro, but I know there are those who do run into trouble for various reasons. A few thoughts that may help:

1. I'd recommend running the original Japanese text of that error message through Google. There's a Piapro website where issues/resolutions are recorded, and you might get a hit there.
2. I'm fairly sure that even Studio One Artist can load VSTis, but it might be worth having a quick check to confirm that your version of Studio One can do so--they haven't all always been able to.
3. I'm reasonably sure that, when I've gotten error messages from Piapro, they've been in English. Is your locale set to Japanese? Not sure why that would make a difference, or if it's not what might be causing the text to be in Japanese (assuming I'm remembering correctly, anyway).
4. I also have no idea what difference this might make, but judging by the message in your screenshot, it looks like your copy of Windows hasn't been activated. I don't know what Windows might hobble in an attempt to get you to activate it/how it might behave differently, but I guess that could be a possibility, maybe. Since you can obviously install other stuff (Studio One), it probably makes no difference, but then I had an issue with inputting lyrics because my screen was set to a non-default magnification, so anything could happen.

Sadly, the Vocaloid 4 Editor was discontinued a few years ago. It was unfortunately not free, and if you can find one these days, it's probably only gotten more expensive. I believe there was a Vocaloid 6 trial you could use, at least temporarily.


New Fan
Mar 14, 2023
I've fortunately not had any issues with installing Piapro, but I know there are those who do run into trouble for various reasons. A few thoughts that may help:

1. I'd recommend running the original Japanese text of that error message through Google. There's a Piapro website where issues/resolutions are recorded, and you might get a hit there.
2. I'm fairly sure that even Studio One Artist can load VSTis, but it might be worth having a quick check to confirm that your version of Studio One can do so--they haven't all always been able to.
3. I'm reasonably sure that, when I've gotten error messages from Piapro, they've been in English. Is your locale set to Japanese? Not sure why that would make a difference, or if it's not what might be causing the text to be in Japanese (assuming I'm remembering correctly, anyway).
4. I also have no idea what difference this might make, but judging by the message in your screenshot, it looks like your copy of Windows hasn't been activated. I don't know what Windows might hobble in an attempt to get you to activate it/how it might behave differently, but I guess that could be a possibility, maybe. Since you can obviously install other stuff (Studio One), it probably makes no difference, but then I had an issue with inputting lyrics because my screen was set to a non-default magnification, so anything could happen.

Sadly, the Vocaloid 4 Editor was discontinued a few years ago. It was unfortunately not free, and if you can find one these days, it's probably only gotten more expensive. I believe there was a Vocaloid 6 trial you could use, at least temporarily.
Thank you so much for the reply! I totally forgot that my system locale was in Japanese from when I installed UTAU. I went ahead and changed it back to the original locale. Unfortunately, the error code still appears but it is now in English so I guess that's better lol. The reason Windows isn't activated on my computer is because my computer is actually a Macbook, but because it is a bit older and is a Intel-based computer, Apple has a pre-installed application call Bootcamp that allows me to use both MacOS and Windows. Aside from the USB flash drive I had to purchase, the Windows OS came free off the Windows website. In order for me to activate windows, I would have to purchase it. I don't like buying things. I like free stuff. I am fully aware that I just went on a off topic rant(?) and that you probably know what activating Windows entails. By the way, if you've made it this far, could you please give me the Piapro website URL? Thanks again!


New Fan
Mar 14, 2023
I've fortunately not had any issues with installing Piapro, but I know there are those who do run into trouble for various reasons. A few thoughts that may help:

1. I'd recommend running the original Japanese text of that error message through Google. There's a Piapro website where issues/resolutions are recorded, and you might get a hit there.
2. I'm fairly sure that even Studio One Artist can load VSTis, but it might be worth having a quick check to confirm that your version of Studio One can do so--they haven't all always been able to.
3. I'm reasonably sure that, when I've gotten error messages from Piapro, they've been in English. Is your locale set to Japanese? Not sure why that would make a difference, or if it's not what might be causing the text to be in Japanese (assuming I'm remembering correctly, anyway).
4. I also have no idea what difference this might make, but judging by the message in your screenshot, it looks like your copy of Windows hasn't been activated. I don't know what Windows might hobble in an attempt to get you to activate it/how it might behave differently, but I guess that could be a possibility, maybe. Since you can obviously install other stuff (Studio One), it probably makes no difference, but then I had an issue with inputting lyrics because my screen was set to a non-default magnification, so anything could happen.

Sadly, the Vocaloid 4 Editor was discontinued a few years ago. It was unfortunately not free, and if you can find one these days, it's probably only gotten more expensive. I believe there was a Vocaloid 6 trial you could use, at least temporarily.
I went ahead and uninstalled piapro and miku the then reinstalled after I looked u the error code and it actually worked! Thank you for the help!

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