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CeVIO IA English Thoughts/Opinions?


Nemu nemu~
Apr 8, 2018
It just seems weird 1st Place wouldn't. They do have a physical for ONE so I assumed they'd do one for IA too (plus IA's boxes) It makes a lot of sense given it'd make money.
So far, it seems Yamaha and English companies have adopted download only. Even CeVIO at least has boxes for Sasara
Yeah, I wish more companies would have physical boxes for their engloids


👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
It just seems weird 1st Place wouldn't. They do have a physical for ONE so I assumed they'd do one for IA too (plus IA's boxes) It makes a lot of sense given it'd make money.
Maybe they just aren't sure how popular English CeVIO IA be and didn't know how many physical versions they would even need?


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I have a feeling they're waiting a bit, and then will announce physicals. Could also be them doing a Japanese VB for her though I don't think that's likely.


May 17, 2018
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Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
That's exciting she'll finally be here! Feel like we've waited forever by this point

Sadly I won't be picking her up right away. Partly because I'm broke right now, partly because I really try to avoid download versions and I imagine 1st Place will do a box, even if they wait until her anniversary

Really excited to see usage of her though, hoping a lot of people pick her up


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I assume it's listing the prices including tax now? Hoping so rather than just a price increease, she's such a good price imo
So tempted to impulse it


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Read the tweet before hitting play
Yeah please, note that I did this CCS in the hour before she released and just went straight for the render because I can't afford her RN. The parts which used the right phonemes were perfect and she pronounces things really well. Her tone in both VBs is great and I really like how smooth she is! She has some minor bugs / timing issues which they're no strangers to fixing.
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May 4, 2018
Yeah please, note that I did this CCS in the hour before she released and just went straight for the render because I can't afford her RN. The parts which used the right phonemes were perfect and she pronounces things really well. Her tone in both VBs is great and I really like how smooth she is! She has some minor bugs / timing issues which they're no strangers to fixing.
1stPlace said they also provide beta version voicebanks for users. Did you get that and what's that sounds like?


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
1stPlace said they also provide beta version voicebanks for users. Did you get that and what's that sounds like?
I can't afford the VB because I'm broke af rn but according to friends that have IA ENGLISH (it installs with the regular VB) the Powerful 0.9.0 sounds better.


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
For no phoneme edits, it sounds pretty good. Nice to see her voice on something other than the demos.

Waiting to see comparisons of IA Japanese/English and just raw vocals with IA English


New Fan
Apr 9, 2018
I bought IA English last night and have to say I am really impressed. I am new to CeVIO, so it'll probably be a while before I post some HQ covers. I really enjoy her pronunciation and the time management parameter. I will say, some of her phonemes don't like to be paired up and it can make her sound choppy - I'm sure there's a work around for this.



May 17, 2018

And here she is in a acapela

1st Place made a quick press release they posted on their tumblr. It's in japanese (like most of the info they put out about IA Eng so far lmao) and i'm just posting a mechanical translation of it
Thoroughly sticking to the recording quality and quality check by native supervision, the Diva who became the voice source While reproducing the transparent voice quality of "Lia", it realizes surprisingly smooth English singing performance!

It is CeVIO's first English song voice package which implements 2 voices of "package" "Natural" emphasizing fluent singing "" powerful "with powerful expression power" in 1 package!

In addition, as a download purchase benefit, beta version voice package is bundled! Compared with the retail version, "Natural" "Powerful" each feature is more emphasized, it is set for middle and advanced users of CeVIO operation, and it can be used as accent of voice production!

In addition to the release of "IA ENGLISH C", we have updated the voice data usage rules and character secondary usage rules of IA · ONE products. For details, please refer to each product page.

They really need to start communicating with the english speaking side of the community. It's in everyone's interest for them to hear about anysort of technical issues when they come up and other feedback.
Last edited:


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Found this on Youtube just a moment ago


IA English is really sounding nice, though I do agree 1st Place needs to interact with English audiences better...especially put her up on a website that's in English, that'd be nice.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I'm really digging the tests you guys have been doing with IA English so far. She sounds similar to her Japanese Vocaloid banks, and this native English-speaker can understand her well - in fact, IA CeVIO sounds better pronounciation-wise than some English Vocaloids. ^^;


May 17, 2018
Whoa, it's has been less than 24 hours and folks have been pushing out quality stuff like this



Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
Okay, after listening to a bunch of covers I've formed a more conclusive opinion on her.

• After a while Cevio's engine noise really started to grate, she has a buzzy roughness that wasn't present in the Vocaloid version. I'll admit, when I switched from a Cevio song to a Vocaloid song my ears practically breathed a sigh of relief. It's one of those little things that isn't a big deal at first but wears you down over time.

• Her enunciation isn't great, I often can't make what she is singing.

• Despite her enunciation issues, she sounds more natural than clearer synths like Cyva. Perhaps in part due to the way her words slur together, she is quite human and emotive. She can pull off a punchy chorus with clarity and emotion.

• The engine noise is reduced significantly in certain songs. I'm not sure if this is due to tuning, or whether the noise is strongest in a certain range.

• I like her tone, how it's not too high or voice acted, which compliments what IA is known for.

I'm definitely going to be checking out more IA English songs in future, focusing on the ones that keep Cevio's engine noise to a minimum. Overall I'm happy with this release, and am looking forward to seeing where she goes next.
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