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Sep 21, 2019
I really enjoyed this and was very glad that this was my first Miku Expo experience! I was really impressed with the setlist and that it wasn't just the "same old same old". Like Cdr said, they did a good job mixing new songs with the classics. The band was also fantastic!! I was super happy when they played World is Mine because I've always adored what it sounds like at Crypton's concerts!! The addition of Buraikku Jikoraizer was a very pleasant surprise; I was expecting one of the usual Len songs, so imagine my surprise when the pulled out this banger!! The choreography and the VFX were very good, too! Jikoraizer, alongside Teo, was one of the highlights for me.
I enjoyed Teo's effects a lot! The meteor shower really blew me away!!

Also Miku's speaking bits were so cute! It made me really happy to hear her speaking to everyone in my native language. :mikoto_lili:

Also, it appears that Miku Expo 2021 and Kaito were trending in multiple countries! The person running the English Miku Twitter seems to be very happy and Naoto Fuuga was expressing how happy he is that his son is trending! (I love how Naoto refers to Kaito as his son--that's so wholesome! :mikoto_lili:)


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I've probably gushed too many times about this here and in profile posts, and people are probably starting to dismiss me and think I've gone a bit off the deep end, but this experience was just such a wonderful one. I really want to make it clear to anyone who worked on this or contributed to it who might be reading how much their efforts are appreciated.

This concert was the first time where everyone in the world could go see Miku together. And I find that a really meaningful and powerful thing after the past year we've all experienced.

The inclusion of Digital Stars as a preshow was a wonderful move. It provided a place for audiences to get excited, and it also really brought things back to the fans. This culture and this event is something that we, the fans, created, directly or indirectly, and it's a worldwide phenomenon, just like the pandemic has been a worldwide trial. And with this, we had the chance to come together, as a global community, and celebrate our continued global connection. (Uber-successful) fans led our preshow, and they did so from their clubs or from their homes around the world. So as fans watched, they not only heard their music, they saw their culture and their global comrades.

I really loved the intro to the concert itself, as well. I was more composed while I was watching, but I can't put it into words without tearing up. It's always meaningful to see the Cryptonloids appear. But after the images of the semi-quiet/empty streets that seem to have been waiting for a long time (which makes me remember how long I've been waiting--something like a year and seven months--and the delays and disappointments, and maybe even pressures I haven't acknowledged, in between), seeing the colored lights come down from the sky and the Cryptonloids appear in the sky over Sapporo...well, it's an overstatement, but maybe it's something like when people saw one of the first clear days after the Dust Bowl in my country.

As to the concert proper, I loved the setlist, with its old favorites and many new entries. The visual effects, both for the characters themselves and the stage, were spectacular. It took a little while to get used to them, having watched Mirai for years, but I came to laud the character models and how realistic and amazingly detailed and expressive they are--I loved all the nuances and subtle expressions they were given during their performances, as well as how well they and the band members seemed to fit into the same space and play off of each other as though they were on one performance team. The stage effects were similarly impressive. The third song was AMAZING, with Miku dancing between a torrent of lightning bolts during the hard rock/metal guitar parts. As a backer and a fan, the concert vastly exceeded my hopes for what would be possible in an online venue.

I loved the message at the end, too. No matter how far apart we are, we are still connected. And Miku's English was quite good throughout.

I would still love to go to an in-person concert, but the online format offered advantages also. Not only did it make attending easier and open the doors to many more people, but it also let me attend "with" friends from distant places and chat with them during the preshow. That probably wouldn't have happened for me in real life, and it enormously enhanced the experience. To be honest, I think it might not be entirely fair to compare this online format directly to an in-person concert. They're similar, but they're also different enough and offer distinct advantages/disadvantages such that directly comparing them is a bit unjust, as your preference will cause you to dismiss really weighty positive considerations on the opposite side no matter which you prefer. While I would never, ever want to turn down a chance to attend an in-person concert (I still want to go someday! :) ), I'd also be very proud to show anyone Hatsune Miku Expo 2021 Online as an example of what the people in this community do and what we're about/what our values are.

In closing, I'd just really like to reiterate my thanks to CFM, the Digital Stars staff and guest DJs, all the other companies who worked on/supported the concert and its sub events/etc., as well as all the backers who supported it and all the fans who attended and helped each other have a good time. Thank you all so very much.
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Caught the 3rd concert with some friends in a group call, and it was a lot of fun! We made fun of some of the models' jitters or funny physics, but those kinds of things are difficult to avoid and are just fun nitpicks when you're in a group that can laugh at something together, if you get me. It was my first live Expo. The effects were super cool, I loved them. And the songs were all pretty good! Even though I disliked the tuning on Rin's 😅
The band was such a blast! Haha. They really went for it! I loved it 😂 Miku trying to say their names for the introduction with her English bank was pretty precious asjf;lasjf


New Fan
Jun 17, 2020
i was really distracted by the colour change of the characters, it seemed to happen at random and it was very noticable, still, for a free concert this was amazing
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No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
I usually don't upload Crypton stuff without altering it by reviewing it or something like this but I think we can all agree this was worth it xd
Enjoy the PROPER version to appriciate this Rin-song, she deserves it!

EDIT: Well, also I DID alter the original, so...


No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
I don't understand internet discussions... some people just block any kind of critisism and get offended.
Crypton apoloziged for a mistake which while it wasn't a "big deal" was obviously a mistake, Rin-chan deserved better and that was a good thing.
And yet I see some people in the Twitter comments got OFFENDED that people even pointed it out in the first place.
Like...yeah...people can and should point out mistakes?
It's all so toxic...I have learned to stay quiet on the internet more often than not. Just leads to unhappiness.
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Probably an Artist, Probably a Praying Mantis
Apr 8, 2018
Yup, saw the same thing on the Facebook post too. Someone like: So glad I didn't pay for this, like bruh. They're going to correct it on the blu-ray and owned up to it which is what's important... I did see some people crack funny jokes like "Rin was lip syncing lol" which was hilarious.

To be honest, I kinda assumed it was a weirdly tuned Rin since I was unfamiliar with the song and I know Rin can get pitched like that lol


No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
Well, that too, but I mean it'S LEGITIMATE to complain about this (within reason) and I don't get how some people feel like they need to blindy defend them and attack people who pointed out the mistake. It was a fair complaint!
Like, some people got OFFENDED this issue got pointed out in the first place. I am a massive Crypton fan. I love them. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't point out when I notice something like this? I don't get it.

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