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Favorite Music Videos?


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I wanted to make a few music-related threads, so I figured this would be a good one to kick off with! Show me your favorite music videos - bonus points if you share the story behind why you love it!

This is my personal favorite! I got into Iron Maiden just before the release of The Book of Souls (in fact, I bought it the weekend it was released), and this was the first of their non-80s songs I'd ever heard. The music was hypnotically energetic and the video was clever and entrancing, with its multiple art shifts and video game references. It was especially fun coming back to after becoming a certified Maiden fanatic - there's so many references to their albums, concerts, videos, and art scattered throughout!

I also love The Final Frontier's video, though it's more of a guilty pleasure. It's goofy and doesn't fit the lyrics at all, but it's just so much fun. "Eddie. What took you so long?" always makes me smile like a big dork.

Average Poet

Jack of All Trades, Master on None
Aug 22, 2020
Maple Syrup, eh?
I love a lot of Music videos but this one is a personal favorite since it features a wonderful animation by syo5 and the lovely Minami is singing this song. I almost cried because of this song and idk why but Minami always somehow makes me feel a certain melancholy or sadness. Do pardon me though, as I believe its time to check out the mvs you guys sent. (hopefully I sent the video correctly idk how this stuff works)

cheers friends!

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Jun 10, 2020
ashes to ashes
probably this classic.

i also like simple visualization-type mvs. sometimes they loop, sometimes nothing much happens in them, but they match the vibe of the song really well. for example:

as for vocaloid music, I like Daniwell's PVs. They're simple but effective.


Evil but sweet
Jan 3, 2021
I wanted to make a few music-related threads, so I figured this would be a good one to kick off with! Show me your favorite music videos - bonus points if you share the story behind why you love it!

This is my personal favorite! I got into Iron Maiden just before the release of The Book of Souls (in fact, I bought it the weekend it was released), and this was the first of their non-80s songs I'd ever heard. The music was hypnotically energetic and the video was clever and entrancing, with its multiple art shifts and video game references. It was especially fun coming back to after becoming a certified Maiden fanatic - there's so many references to their albums, concerts, videos, and art scattered throughout!

I also love The Final Frontier's video, though it's more of a guilty pleasure. It's goofy and doesn't fit the lyrics at all, but it's just so much fun. "Eddie. What took you so long?" always makes me smile like a big dork.
Electric angel
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fka. luwo
Oct 24, 2020
Lemme jump on this! 👀

I think one of my most favourite videos of all time is Cellophane by FKA twigs. Her and Thomas Andrew Huang have such an amazing chemistry and was one of my most anticipated collaborations, especially after seeing his work with Björk.

I also really love the video for Dua Lipa’s Physical, the double bridge part is divine

and lastly, I’ll leave a Lexie Liu video here... the production quality is kinda insane

Ok I’m done. 🖤
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crying over Rune Factory 6
Jul 5, 2018

It's not even the full version since it's not out yet but?? I'm so obsessed??
Not only because I can't grasp how 44 seconds can have so much sexual tension and be so gay but also because the animation is genuinely good.
The models look so nice, the animation is really smooth and everyone actually dances differently (which should be normal by now but somehow it isn't) and the fricking ribcages. Man. I really wanna know if they are just a texture or actually modeled because damn, that's such a good detail. The longer I look at everything the more impressed I am.
Also I definitely have to say that whoever had to make this super short version did an amazing job. This might be better than the full version in the end, but we'll see lol

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