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Examining Anatomy Mistakes in Vocal Synth Art for Fun and Profit


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
Art is hard. Anatomy is harder: the human body is a complex machine of interlocking bones and musculature that the human brain has been trained to recognise anomalies in. As such, even an expert artist will make an error here and there. Luckily, a weird hand doesn't stop a character from looking great and being loved by many. That is, until a random forum pedant comes along and decides to point out every mistake for no good reason whatsoever. I hope you enjoy these anatomical curiosities.

Avanna's fingers are looking a little...wiggly

Dex skips thumb day



There's just a lot to unpack here

Lily's long foot haunts me

Speaking of long foot, here is long arm

Long arm, meet long leg:

But we can't forget the promotional art that gifted us with: Longity-Chan

Uni's chest and neck are having a disagreement

Miss Stheno Medium 5 's chest has moved to a whole new area code

Uh oh, Ona's going to fall

And here comes Minus with the same move! Strut girls.

But because art is hard, it is worth appreciating successes. Let's take a moment to acknowledge some awesome work:

Xin Hua's perfectly painted shoes deserve respect

Look at the folds on SeeU's skirt. Stunning.

Observe Mew's face. Lips? Perfection. Eyes? Mesmerising. This is what Mew fans think about every day. I refuse to resize this image.

Noticed any artistic errors yourself? Please show me, because I find them strangely interesting! Perhaps it's because they reveal the human factor behind these company's products. (And if you've ever tried to draw something, it's highly relatable — someone who has struggled with a 10 pixel sprite.)
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Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
Can I pay someone to help me forget about Rin's spaghetti arm & sausage fingers

Yuzuru Iori's 6 fingers:
Ah, a classic! I will assume he canonically has polydactylism because that would be neat.

I remember in art class, putting the thumbs on the wrong side. Meiko V1 fell into the same trap (but it's so easy to miss I gave her a pass).

Sep 21, 2019
Honestly, seeing anatomy mistakes in official art makes me feel better about not being able to draw stuff like hands and feet well, or anatomy well (my earliest Tei has a leg that's probably not even connected correctly, ajhkdjhjf).
Makes me think that even though my art has imperfections, that wouldn't prevent me from being able to work with big names (or work with others in general).
Also, seeing the human side of the official artists is kind of refreshing!


Funny Lil' Eclipse Deity
Sep 23, 2021
The okayest place on Earth
View attachment 4729
How, even after looking at this thread, could I forget about Lumi's rabbit feet?
View attachment 4730
are they supposed to be turning into jellyfish tentacles ?
I always thought those were on purpose, and that her feet were supposed to be more like otter paws or something to add to that non-human/otherworldly vibe, but the idea that that might NOT be on purpose is gonna haunt me FOREVER

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