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AddictiveCUL (Add)

CUL addicted!
Jan 6, 2023
2024 started, but we definetly aren't without new CUL covers! Let's see what this wonderful community made so far? *3

But before...

My playlist with all 2024 covers so far! :cul_smile_lili: 🔥

The first cover that I could find in 2024 using CUL was a collab between CUL and an AI made of Pomni's voice (I'm not a huge fan of AI made without the voice's owner permission, but it was the first cover of all so... you know! :/).

The second cover was one made by me, Add :3 It's a Plane Theory cover and it's wholesome!

The third cover was not done with CUL being the lead vocal, but she is a backing and it's pretty good nonetheless! :3

The fourth cover made using our little star is a very interesting one of a very hard song and with an original art! *3 Who agrees we need more CUL arts in this world?

The fifth and last one was posted today (07/01/2024) and it's amazing! Yoyo's tuning is perfect and their mixing is gorgeous!

That's all for today CUL Nation! Hope all CUL fans are having a wonderful day!

:cul_smile_lili: 🔥

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