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CeVIO CeVIO Discussion Thread


Hardcore Fan
Apr 11, 2018
FINALLY My sweet Takahashi TuT"' (Also hoping within the next few years I can get him and the girls -it's tue luck they keep their original concanetive selves on DLSite so I could have both regular and AI versions, and with CEVIO AI it means Tsuzumi and possibly takahashi singing like Sasara ~ )


I am Thou and Thou aren't Shit...
Oct 19, 2018
Takahashi can sing!!!!
Though I never heard it since he supposedly sang during this paid concert. And I don't have the money to buy a ticket to see it myself. So here are the screenshots. Any who did saw this, Can you confirm if it's just his Talk bank, his VP or an actual Song Bank?

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