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SynthV Ayame and Jin for Synthesizer V


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
Two new voicebanks in the letter series were announced today, both native Japanese vocalists:

Official description: "a mild, lustrous voice with a pleasant midrange & whispering lows. The transition from chest to falsetto is clear & distinct, meaning Aya is good at melodies fluctuating between both registers."

Official description: "a soulful, powerful voice with gritty brightness. Jin holds stability from the lows to mids, never losing distinct characteristics. The voice is good for dance & genres in the spectrum of R&B/funk/soul."

Note: Aya has now been renamed to "Ayame" to not clash with another company's product in development named "Aya". (Source Tweet)

Ryleigh Goldner

Yes, everyone seems to be asleep.
Two new voicebanks in the letter series were announced today, both native Japanese vocalists:

Official description: "a mild, lustrous voice with a pleasant midrange & whispering lows. The transition from chest to falsetto is clear & distinct, meaning Aya is good at melodies fluctuating between both registers."

Official description: "a soulful, powerful voice with gritty brightness. Jin holds stability from the lows to mids, never losing distinct characteristics. The voice is good for dance & genres in the spectrum of R&B/funk/soul."
Is it just me or does Aya sound like a more mature version of Mai lol
Also, some people in the comment section of Jin's demo said he sounds like Ninezero but without his Australian accent LMAO

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
Is it just me or does Aya sound like a more mature version of Mai lol
Also, some people in the comment section of Jin's demo said he sounds like Ninezero but without his Australian accent LMAO
Mai has a big sister now! And holy moly, Jin really does sound like Ninezero if he had a Japanese accent. (Though I think it's worth reiterating the usual disclaimer that Dreamtonics almost always undersells their first party banks when they drop demos.)


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Yep, same take. I'm so used to DT alphabet soup demos severely underselling them. I've kind of written off way too many of them as boring, only to be pleasantly surprised when people actually get their hands on them and put up uses. So I'll reserve harsh judgment.

I do think Jin is a good addition though! He is a lot like Nines, but I think Nines's crosslang was a little iffy because of the accent (not that that's a total bad thing, and pleeease I want more non-American accented English banks!!) so having a native JP bank with a similar tone is a good thing! Honestly, even though the crosslang is so good, I think it's not a bad idea to have native banks of various tones in each language, even if there is crossover with other languages' banks. Just to cover all bases, and any weaknesses in the crosslang.

Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk


release the vx-beta vocals you cowards
Jan 12, 2022
with jin's recommended genres i find it likely he will have at least one soft vocal mode
which is pretty exciting for a 9z clone bc that means he isn't locked to screaming 24/7 like 9z is

(also aya sounds like a mai/haruno sora fusion and i mean that in a positive way)

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