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Animal Crossing: New Horizons Discussion


👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
We found out that if you go to Harvey's island and take 1 photo of the folk in your town, you get a cool poster of each of them. (With some seriously fancy lighting and backdrops.) You have to go to a room in his house, press down to place furniture, then press right to get the catalogue, the last tab is to select villagers (so you don't HAVE to own amiibos). When you return to your home island, a new tab in the Nook machine gets added which sells the posters for 1,000 bells each. Kind of wish we had known about this sooner before some of our villagers left, the photos are really flattering even to the most funky looking animals.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
Is anyone on here experiencing fatigue with New Horizons now? I've been playing pretty much every day since it came out, and since I got K.K. to come to my island, I've been increasingly losing both the motivation and the patience to tinker with my island every day. Not much is happening in-game right now, and all I do is farm bells, which isn't fun anymore.


👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
I feel dumb about Animal Crossing, cause I thought it would be more fun than it actually is. We splurged and got the Switch specifically for it, too, like many other people.

Like, trying to talk to the animals is boring, honestly. They barely say like 2 sentences to you and they repeat themselves A LOT (ex: about you talking to them more than once per day, the "you again" kind of thing). I gave up on talking to a lot of the animals in town because it feels like it doesn't matter/they don't care about me. On the other hand, the NPCs say tons of paragraphs to the point of frustration for daily tasks (ex: Blathers for fossils, don't even want to talk to Gulliver cause it takes so long to initiate the parts-finding quest...).

Trying to decorate the island is really time-consuming in a bad way. You either need a lot of money or friends whose islands you can go to to actually get stuff to make it look nice instead of just getting homework sets and bean bags over and over. Terraforming makes your fingers tired while your eyes glace over as you accidentally cover and uncover the same hole for like an hour. Oh yeah, we got the guidebook a few days ago and apparently the recipes you get from town folk while they craft in their house is directly limited to their snooky/sporty/whatever personality, so finding that out makes me feel like "Well I guess I HAVE to have one of each personality type if I ever want these recipes".

Gold nuggets. Why are they only a 1% drop rate?! (Seriously, that's what the guide book says.) I've gotten a whopping TWO whole nuggets since the game got released. My sister has me beat with three.

I seriously pray there is an upgrade to a bigger Nook's store. Having the option to buy like 3 furniture items per day is mega boring. They give you like 3 ways to get clothes (Label, Able Sisters, Kicks), but for furniture it's like: (waits for a stinking furniture balloon to maybe come by the time I'm 80 years old) (has to accidentally walk in on someone crafting) (wait for Nook's store to stop offering me bookends and give me something I can actually put the bookends on, like a stinking table other than the ugly log-looking one you can craft)


Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
@uncreepy: I do agree that once you get deep in the game, its flaws become more apparent. The lack of interesting chitchat from the villagers bums me out, because they used to cycle between more interesting convos in the previous games.

Trying to get five stars is also tedious, especially since Isabelle doesn't understand what good exterior design is lol. Also, upgrading your house to full capacity is a massive pain in the ass as the game goes on (it's why I'm trying to farm bells now. I'm just missing the upstairs and basement floors, but the mortgages costs are becoming increasingly obscene. The bell farming is giving me the biggest fatigue, actually.)

My golden nugget drop rate has been okay, but I just sell them off because they're 10k on their own, so they're easy money makers. I do agree that Blathers talks too much for just needing to identify fossils (my main source for bell farming, aside from coconuts. So even Blathers adds to my fatigue. orz)

I also agree with Nook's shop being boring this time. I hope we get an equivalent to Nookingtons in an update.

I might take a break from New Horizons for a bit, and see if I get an urge to play again or if I get excited by a big update. AC is one of those games you end up sinking some time into, get bored of it for a while, then go back to some time later. It's supposed to be played in ten minutes spurts every day, but its nature actually rewards longer, more consistent play until you get fed up of it.


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I got fatigued after I unlocked terraforming and found out that it was really tedious and boring. Some people think it's worth it to slug through it for a pretty island, but I personally don't find it fun at all. I'm currently trying to pretty up my island, but getting 100,000 bells to move buildings everyday has gotten boring. I also just found out that two of my houses are slightly off, and the thought of spending 2 days and 200,000 bells to correct such a small difference is...irritating. I think if I had left my island alone, I would still be playing animal crossing nonstop. But because I decided to take on terraforming and made my island really ugly and fixing it feels like a chore, I hardly ever play now.
I'm thinking of starting over and just going with the default island layout. I liked the way my island looked at the start but I wanted to be ambitious and make really beautiful islands like I saw online- but then I found out just how annoying it is to terraform and I don't personally have the patience for it. People talk about quality of life changes with inventory, multiplayer and crafting all the time, but I would love to see some changes made to terraforming. The ability to build/destroy more than one piece at a time would make a serious difference imo.
Sep 21, 2019
I’n feeling the fatigue, too. I don’t particularly enjoy talking to my villagers a whole lot (I feel like they have a lot less dialogue than in prior games) and kinda just have them for show/aesthetic, lol. (Though I don’t like most of mine, tbh.)

I’ve kinda run out of things to do. I don’t have money to upgrade my house (and I have no storage left) and the villagers never give me any tasks… I’ve maybe gotten two since I got the game, which is disappointing because I used to like doing the little favors for them in the old games. I don’t know what else I want to do to decorate my island (I need to move houses, but I don’t know where to and they cost an arm and a leg to move) and can’t really work on the two houses I had plans for because I cannot find any kitchen stuff or tables. orz

I tried to get into online trading to get rid of all my junk that I don’t want anymore, but when you get like, 10 different people contacting you and then they take forever to get back with you it becomes very stressful and fatiguing…


crying over Rune Factory 6
Jul 5, 2018
I feel you guys and I've only had the game for a month. Don't get my wrong, it's still fun but.... I think the worst thing for me is how expensive everything is. I constantly see everyone on twitter be like "haha, money grinding so easy!!" but like no????? It's extremely hard. Never seen any tarantula or scorpion in my game. Oh wait I did, on the homescreen.. and after that they are always gone :) Thanks game. Meteor shower? Don't know her. And up until yesterday I haven't had any rare/special island when I went on mystery tours. And then suddenly I just got bamboo island and money island 5 times in a row???? So weird. I got my house up to 3 extra rooms, mainly just so I have more storage. Now I want to save all my money to move all the buildings...which is so taunting to me because it's so damn expensive. Also, Nooks Store? I was so hyped for the upgrade and now that I have it... I haven't gained anything, because the one new furniture every day is hella expensive and I won't buy any of those until my island is ready, which can take... another month, or longer. So thanks for nothing game.

I had quite a lot of fetch quests so far, but only because I actually keep talking to all my villagers multiple times, often until they don't want to talk anymore. I just... try to skip through everything I heard already as fast as I can. I never felt so annoyed by my villagers in New Leaf because they actually kept saying new stuff and maybe repeated themselves once a week.. not multiple times a day. Also I HATE that they changed how Gulliver worked. They went from a cute little quiz in New Leaf that had you guess where he wanted to go to a damn annoying fetch quest. Why. Why. Give me the quiz back, make it longer I don't care. But I'm tired of fetch quests. I'm so tired. And they can't tell me that a quiz would be too hard because of the children, everyone could just google the answer if they weren't sure and really little kids could ask their parents.

I also read that Nintendo made the spawn rates for rare and expensive bug and fish even lower, so thanks Nintendo. With my luck, which is no luck, it will take me years to get any of that :))) I hate it here. The only thing that keeps me kinda excited are rumors for farming and crops that some people allegedly found in the code sooo... that would make me very happy. But right now I'm just running around, trying my best to get money and hope that my boyfriend and I will have an idea for our layout. We know that we don't want to change too much, just a few things here and there to give us more space because our layout makes our island tiny. Oh, also, I hate how the campsite works, it amkes no sense and Nook should stop selling open plots by himself. Make it an option but not necessary. I WANT TO USE THE CAMPSITE, pls let me Nintendo.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I got fatigued after I unlocked terraforming and found out that it was really tedious and boring. Some people think it's worth it to slug through it for a pretty island, but I personally don't find it fun at all. I'm currently trying to pretty up my island, but getting 100,000 bells to move buildings everyday has gotten boring. I also just found out that two of my houses are slightly off, and the thought of spending 2 days and 200,000 bells to correct such a small difference is...irritating. I think if I had left my island alone, I would still be playing animal crossing nonstop. But because I decided to take on terraforming and made my island really ugly and fixing it feels like a chore, I hardly ever play now.
I thought terraforming would be fun, but in practise I just end up feeling annoyed at how everything looks lol. I made a path deep inside a level of land in order to reach the secret cove Redd parks at, but I had to get rid of a river to do that and now I don't like the end result. I might just put the river back in and add an incline to the cove and a bridge over the restored river once I get some motivation for AC back.

I also read that Nintendo made the spawn rates for rare and expensive bug and fish even lower, so thanks Nintendo. With my luck, which is no luck, it will take me years to get any of that :)))
I was pissed when I heard about that, because it just makes money grinding even harder. Ninty, that's not how you encourage longevity in a game, ffs. I've also heard that in the latest update, they've removed a couple of the Nook islands you could go to at random. =_=


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I thought terraforming would be fun, but in practise I just end up feeling annoyed at how everything looks lol. I made a path deep inside a level of land in order to reach the secret cove Redd parks at, but I had to get rid of a river to do that and now I don't like the end result. I might just put the river back in and add an incline to the cove and a bridge over the restored river once I get some motivation for AC back.
oh my gosh i put all my houses at the area where redd is before he became a part of the game and now the area is blocked off so when he arrives i have to take down a bunch of fences to get to him. i really don't want to pay to move all those houses AGAIN so....I will just have to live with it.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
oh my gosh i put all my houses at the area where redd is before he became a part of the game and now the area is blocked off so when he arrives i have to take down a bunch of fences to get to him. i really don't want to pay to move all those houses AGAIN so....I will just have to live with it.
I didn't even know there were secret coves on all the islands until Redd was announced and he was shown to park his boat there lol. (My dumb ass didn't register the rocks and sand at the top of my map as accessible at first). Plus, my cove is on a first floor level that was blocked off by rivers at the start of my game, so I couldn't accidentally block it off.
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👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
Anyone still playing AC? Me and my sister stopped playing right after the stamp rally for the museum. We didn't play the wedding thing at all because of getting burned out with irl stuff.


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I stopped playing right about when Redd came, every now and again I pop on when my friend wants me to visit her island but I havent done anything on mine for awhile. I bought a lot of other switch games so I've been more preoccupied with those.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I stopped playing around the time of the stamp rally event as well. Haven't popped back in for the wedding event because it doesn't interest me.


UTAU is my religion!!!
Feb 28, 2019
Oh I saw just this on twitter!! I haven't played acnh in over a month but I can't lie and say I'm not the tiniest bit excited for this update.

that mermaid diy furniture, that conch shell lamp... I am LOOKING AT IT GIRLS 👀


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
The bug off is today! I played it a little bit and the first prize is a little toy cockroach. I like roaches actually so I think it's really cute! I'm not interested enough in these events to play to get all the prizes personally, so I'm happy with just getting the one haha.

Also Chevre moved in today! I found her on a nook island tour and I love her so much, I hope I get Nan too and I can make them neighbors! :kokone_lili:

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I booted up my town a couple of days ago, and aside from my villagers asking me where I went and seeing weeds everywhere, nothing drastic has happened to my town. I also managed to get rid of Ken on the same day too, so now Caroline is moving in.


👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
It seems like being away from town for a long time doesn't actually make villagers move. Everyone was still there, even Joey, after not playing for a long time. I have been hitting Joey with the net like 10x whenever I find him in town, I even tried pushing him around but he didn't get angry, we put garbage all around his house, but he won't stinking leave! A different villager wanted to leave but he won't go away. I hate you, Joey! Get out of town!

Me and my sister finally paid the 50k to move one house, it wasn't that bad. We laid out some dirt marking to try to imagine it before handing over the bells.

My sister has been making some textures for the ground like little flowers, wood planks, stumps based on some nice cottagecore Animal Crossing images we collected. It's still kind of rugged, though. Will take a lot more work/planning.

We tried out the swimming thing a few times and my sister ended up giving a clam thingy to the otter guy in exchange for mermaid stuff (he gives you pearls and recipes). Apparently he comes for the first time you catch one of those per day. But it felt like I swam around forever each time and never even found a single clam thing. : /

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