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Search results

  1. utautanightfever

    Other Does anybody have an instrumental for this song?

    I've been trying to find the instrumental for Karakasa-san ga Tooru/Here Comes Mr. Umbrella but I can't find a good one anywhere. I tried to find it on the Piapro website but it either lead me to an error message or no results. I can't find anything on Youtube either. If anybody has a link or...
  2. utautanightfever

    Unpopular Opinions

    I know the subject has already changed but I really wanna get this first part off my chest. I feel like the fandom puts too much emphasis on realistic tuning to the point that they consider anything that isn't realistic "bad" or "not tuned enough". What they don't realize is that some songs...
  3. utautanightfever

    How do I use a compressor in Studio One 5 for my voicebanks?

    I should've asked this in my last post but I don't know how I would use my compressor. I tried to use a plug in that would be easier for me to figure out but it won't show up or work for some reason so I have to use the built in compressor. Every time I try though, it ends up looking confusing...
  4. utautanightfever

    How do I make voicebanks sound more powerful?

    Thank you, this is very helpful!
  5. utautanightfever

    How do I make voicebanks sound more powerful?

    Thank you, I'll try this!
  6. utautanightfever

    How do I make voicebanks sound more powerful?

    I don't know how to make my vocaloids more powerful in their vocals. I kinda want them to sound something like this: I don't know if their voicebanks make a huge difference but I have Kagamine Rin, Len, and Nekomura Iroha. Thank you! Edit: I messed up the links
  7. utautanightfever

    Is there any way to make vocaloids whisper in Piapro?

    Ty for this this too!!
  8. utautanightfever

    Is there any way to make vocaloids whisper in Piapro?

    I tried breathiness but it didn't really make a whisper sound. Is there anything else I can try?
  9. utautanightfever

    Piapro access key help

  10. utautanightfever

    Piapro access key help

    Thank you but my access key doesn't show up at all :(
  11. utautanightfever

    Piapro access key help

    I bought a Nekomura Iroha from the vocaloid website and wanted to import her to Piapro but I don't know how. I see no access key and I'm wondering if it's possible to import vocaloid4 vocaloids into Piapro. Can someone please help? Thank you!