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  • I never understood why Vocaloid fans like boxes so much
    I've seen many people complaining when a Loid don't have a box and even creating ones
    Or saying "having the box is like truly own it, even though I already have the X loid in digital ver"

    Not a problem, I just it find curious
    I think there are 2 reasons behind it: one is for collecting, it looks great next to each other boxes or other Vocaloid stuff, and the second is especially true for those editions with the DVD inside the box: you have a working copy of it (and you can make a digital backup copy as well).
    it's like when people ask for PS4 games, digital of physical disc? for me, always disc, because I know I own the game (ok, I own the license to use the game), I can play it offline how much I want and it doesn't matter if the publisher decides to apply some controversial patch or remove entirely the game from the servers, with the disc I can still play how much I want. I also have a large collection of psp, ps vita and ps3 physical games, so I don't worry when Sony will shut down their servers, I can always play those games.
    for same reason, I only buy blu-ray and audio CD, and for pc games, I like to use GOG markeplace, which offers drm-free games ^-^
    One thing i know for sure that they are not a cat.
    With all joking aside, I understood peoples who obsessed with all fancy boxes and people who don't. In my opinion, it's all about how people values thing, there is not a lot of (or no) reasons behind it. They just like it, very simple.

    I don't really values software boxes but i do values something like booklet, keychain, artworks and all goodies inside. The CD box can be replace if it reach it's lifespan. Eventhough i love and support digital download but i rarely buy digital download songs, i only buy it if i have no option. I'm still correcting audio CD, SACD, SHM-CD, vinyl record, cassette tape. Because i just like it.

    There is something that i think people don't even notice or care about.
    In my opinion digital download is the best options because of how convenience and efficient it is. Without physical copy, the company can cut the cost down so much in manufacturing process. In turn, prices of the software will go down too and it is the most environment friendly method.
    You can imagine that people bought a 10million+ copy of CD game and it's covers with plastic box+bag etc etc. . . that's a lot of waste in my opinion.
    Youtuber: today we are gonna rate every vocaloid

    Me:OMG! OMG! i wonder if is based on the voice or how hard it is to use it

    Youtuber: ...rate every loid according to their designs

    Me: * dislike *
    AddictiveCUL (Add)
    AddictiveCUL (Add)
    I think worst than that was the clickbait that popular Vocaloid YouTuber did, saying she would make a tierlist of voicebanks and then just assigned every Vocaloid to the tier accordingly to their initial letter. I know it was a joke, but it pissed me off so badly XD

    Said that, man I hope I'm able to do a tierlist like that bc it would mean I would own lot's of vbs. Based on that, I'm not an YouTuber, but this is my Tierlist:

    Tonio is really easy to tune once you know his and [h] are broken
    AddictiveCUL (Add)
    AddictiveCUL (Add)
    @M1023 If you want to see my full explanation of this Tierlist I did it just for fun purposes, but it was too big for Vocaverse so I needed to post in Goggle Docs. Have fun: Vocaloid Tierlist

    I just placed LUMI in the Nightmare to tune because I heard she is the hardest vb to work with LMAO XD I've never heard much of my girl T3T

    Tonio is great and has one of the most beautiful Male voices in vocaloid to me, but I always had the impression that he is kinda reverbered (You will see that a lot, apparently I have this problem with english vbs, but Idk if it's true or not XD). Also, he is supposed to be an opera singer, right? I can totally see a noob struggling to tune him in any song because Opera is so niche, that's why I placed him in nightmare to tune (And also because he is a V2).

    Some vbs are lacking, like Kizuna Akari, Mirai and Unity-chan (Tho I talked about the 2 last ones in my explanation). These 3 are High quality tier for me.

    And what you mean with "Tonio's h's are broken"? XD
    Avanna low range is so similar to Prima that I think Avanna was a attemp to do a Chorus Voice like prima but suitable for more genres
    • Like
    Reactions: MillyAqualine
    meanwhile i'm pretty sure they meant to do a "pop and celtic" vocal from the start; iirc her vp's background is in stuff like jazz, pop, and folk.

    though i think the similarity could be chalked up to them both being zero-g-loids lol, i see similarities between prima, avanna and sonika from time to time, heck, daina even (i think prima's a soprano, sonika's officially a mezzo-soprano, and avanna's probably an alto, iirc daina's supposed to be a soprano but is recorded by a natural alto according to the wiki?)
    Furries are...
    • Like
    Reactions: Ryleigh Goldner
    Ryleigh Goldner
    Ryleigh Goldner
    I think furries are all right. I'm technically what you'd call a furry, but I prefer the 'hybrid-y' designs of therianthropes (and therianthropes in general) over the human-like designs of your "usual" furries' bodies. I don't think r/furry_irl is a great sub (considering that I see posts mocking anti-furs over and over again on that sub) and I don't really like furry Twitter either, but honestly, I think it's more important to stay true to yourself instead of conforming to a certain way of doing things. Best to stay clear of things that constantly negatively affect your mental health.

    Funnily enough, I remember seeing most furry drama/scandals coming from the 'vanilla' furries. I don't usually see anything like that with furries who like TF (transformation), except for a few times. If I'm wrong on this, please do feel free to correct me.

    Removed 'more' and added 'bodies.'

    EDIT 2:
    Therianthropes with fur-covered human torsos, but also have animal legs and a mix between animal and human for paw-hands in their animal forms are usually what I like to write/imagine conceptually.
    I think people should just leave each other alone when nobody is getting hurt.
    Omg I'm a furry too
    Does anyone knows a tutorial for usting
    MEL English vb?

    I'm seriously thinking in get Saki-chan Pitakoe instead of A.I Voice since I don't think I can get it

    also now I'm learning to create fake phonemes it would be easy
    Create Ls is easier than you though
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