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  • You know, I've mentioned occasionally viewing webcam videos from Japan before--the scenery is beautiful, and I find it relaxing.

    I noticed once a few weeks ago that the image seemed to tremble momentarily. At first, I thought I'd imagined it. Then I thought maybe the wind was shaking the window the camera was looking through, or possibly it was a passing train, or someone walking by the table where the camera was sitting. Or maybe the camera was on a tall pole where the wind could affect it more easily. It wasn't just in one location, either--I've seen it in a few.

    But I saw the image move probably 12 times while watching briefly today, and much more vigorously than before. Given the recent increase in seismic activity around the Pacific, as well as the recent earthquake...I'd guess these must be tremors, if not technically aftershocks. :cry:

    Yet things like cars keep moving (You probably couldn't feel it while inside a moving car, I guess.). I doubt you could miss the event while inside the building, though, especially on an upper floor.

    I guess it's particularly amazing to me coming from somewhere where seismic activity is much less common. Activity seems much more intense now than it was before, but it's still hard to imagine the earth moving being something that's, I guess, anticipated every few weeks or so. I wonder how frequent it really is? Not for nothing are those bigger buildings built to tolerate earthquakes, that's for sure!

    This probably explains why I noticed recently that a few cameras had changed their angle slightly, too....
    Anyone know a good EQ plugin with a digital UI (i.e., shows the filter/sound waveform graphically) that offers a bandpass filter?
    I've released a new song!

    "Lofi Twilight" is a fusion of a lofi track with vocal synths; I hope you enjoy it!
    For anyone who celebrates, happy Thanksgiving to everyone (a day early)! As I was thinking during Digital Stars before Miku Expo 2023 VR, I'm glad to be part of this community. Even if I never get good at the music thing...the honor is in trying. And the vocal synth community is one of the best places to be together and try for our goals!
    I'm feeling inspired. Why is there still so much of the workday left!?

    If only there were a quick way to somehow get the sounds in my head out before I lose them....
    Is it just me, or do large vehicles in Japan come in a much bigger, or at least different, variety of colors than they do in the US? I'm thinking mostly of things like buses and large/16-wheel trucks.

    In the US, off the top of my head, our 16-wheel trucks mostly have white, red, or black cabs. Every once in awhile, you might get another color, but it seems to be the exception--maybe copper, brown, green? Our buses tend to be simple, too--black, silver, white, red, usually in some combination (provided they're not wrapped for advertising purposes)?

    I saw a webcam video of a Japanese highway recently. I saw things like a bright red bus, a bubblegum pink bus, a sunshine yellow truck, an aquamarine truck, a light blue truck, a dark blue truck, a green truck. They weren't outliers, either--there were plenty of white trucks, but maybe 1/3 to 1/4 or so were a color like that, and that proportion probably held for the buses, as well.

    I don't know the reason for the difference, but it's really refreshing.
    It's depend on country i guess, but in general. Vehicle like Trucks and SUVs are always gonna be less flashy than sports cars and sedans. One of the reason is because Trucks and SUVs or any big vehicles in general have more surface area to cover than sports cars or sedans which mean it's require more paint than small cars and in turn... more expensive to paint and every colors are not equal when it come to price.

    Let's say the manufacturer order a tons of white or black paints so it would be much cheaper and because of fewer option, they can paint a car much faster. The result is more cars leave factory per day.

    Color that paint on cars will deteriorate overtime the black color might just fade out but it's still a black and white color will stay white until it fall off from surface. This is probably why black and white are so popular because it last for a very long time.

    Most colorful trucks or bus has been re-paint to suit their like or.. for commercial purpose in general.
    Transportation vehicles or public uses have specific colors and pattern painting on them because it's easier identify that way.

    If you look at 70-80's cars, the color option are so wild (some cars manufacture even have option to paint it like Jewel beetles) but nowadays, they don't do that anymore. I mean, most workhorse vehicles tend to look bland but i wouldn't mind.
    I try not to think about it, but the way fans received Miku Expo 2023 VR when it was announced still bothers me. Although I don't think it was their fault.

    The real reason for all the vitriol and lack of participation in the Kickstarter was the surge of corporate greed after the pandemic, which still continues.

    Lots of businesses took the pandemic as an opportunity to raise their profit margins. Many of them did not long continue to pursue the benefits of remote work, but plenty of them chose to cheapen their products while raising their prices. Often, that did involve moving parts of their services, if not necessarily their whole products, to use online processes.

    Understandably, I think that caused fans to be afraid when another online concert was announced, especially since the pandemic was over/close to over at the time. There were no announced in-person Expo concerts at the time, and they were afraid that this move was more of the same. (In a way, I think Rewind was detrimental in this regard--its usage of existing concert footage probably reinforced the fans' fears. Although that reinforcement only partially made sense, since Rewind didn't raise funds from fans at all, so no one was paying to watch something they'd seen before.)

    Still, I'm disappointed by the lack of fan support this show has received. I'll be disappointed again if no one comes, and again if those who still carry venom of some sort from the announcement period jump out afterwards and take the opportunity to share their bile.

    Maybe having said that, I'll feel a little better. Hopefully it'll help me remember that the real reason for the situation is the fact that greed, and the insecurity that makes greedy people behave as they do, are bleeding the people of the world dry.
    I just can’t blame fans for feeling negatively about the concept. It’s nice on principle that this happened, but even though the concert will reportedly support “pancake mode” viewing, it seems relevant that the concept of a VR concert specifically is still quite exclusive and inaccessible to most people.
    @pico: That's a fair point; it was one of my initial concerns when the show was announced, too. I couldn't understand why the show's killer feature would be focused on a tech that, at least in the US, I think relatively few people have. The only thought I had was that maybe Japan has a larger percentage of people who have VR, and that colored their perception of what other people have available.

    At least according to this post, VR concerts have happened before in Japan, with non-VR options available. So it seems like they have a somewhat different perspective on VR/its availability than we do. The really troublesome thing is that I'm not sure the non-VR option was announced until about 2 hours after the initial announcement, as you can see in the Tweet from that link. 2 hours is pretty quick, but maybe not quick enough in social media terms. Maybe they assumed people would know a non-VR option was available (given how the prior VR shows I mentioned were run), or they didn't want to muddy the waters around the killer feature, but still...it's a shame that that info apparently wasn't included in the original announcement, at least from what I can see in the embedded Tweets.

    Unfortunately, that reminds me a lot of what happened with NT. Communication really is everything. Except in the case of the whole perception-coloring thing; one can't berate someone for something they simply honestly don't think of. Seems obvious in hindsight, but in the moment, what does/doesn't occur in their brain without their volition is sort of in the stars.

    (Continued below.)
    Having said that, I REALLY don't understand why there wasn't some kind of VR-enabling gear among the merch. I've mentioned Google Cardboard twice in the 2023 VR thread in the hopes of helping folks who don't have VR-equipment enjoy the show in VR format. But I really expected that there would be some sort of themed Cardboard-style kit among the merch options, so that people could use their phones to see the show in VR.
    Mm, I wrote a thing. It feels like poetry, but it has no set rhythmic pattern and only occasionally rhymes.

    I wonder if it's possible to do something musical with it, regardless...?
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    I think is possible! :seeu_ani_lili: you could set a gentle background music, and let the words be read like a poetry, like a small novel ^-^
    example of nice background music for a reading (from Valkyria, one of my favorite series):
    Sometimes I wish my folks understood how I feel about my vocal synth hobby. To put it in the context of my recent fanfic, I wish they could see the "ocean," too. But there just aren't that many people who see it that way, especially not when they're stuck on flesh and blood performers and don't really understand the sorts of pains that many people who love vocal synths seem to share.
    This is a question I think I can more or less answer myself, but I'm sort of curious. Every once in awhile, I see people mentioning winding up meeting IRL, but since I think most people avoid sharing too much in the way of IRL details, I wonder how it happens? I mean, without that info, you could walk past 5 people you know online and never know it.

    The only ways I can think of it happening would be:
    1. They arrange to meet beforehand at a particular time/place, with some sort of way to recognize each other.
    2. They meet somewhere by chance (maybe in line for a concert?), get to talking, ask what sites each other is a member of, and wind up discovering that they know each other.
    I think most people avoid sharing too much in the way of IRL details
    They have a valid reason. I usually met with people that i know well.

    They arrange to meet beforehand at a particular time/place, with some sort of way to recognize each other
    You got it right. It's doesn't have to be a fancy place however. A normal location like park, coffee shop is fine. If you and your friend know each other well, doing thing together for a long time (like playing online games, voice chats, collab, etc) or just simply hang around in skype/discord together, you might recognize them real fast, even though you just meet them face-to-face for the first time. (in my experience at least)

    They meet somewhere by chance (maybe in line for a concert?), get to talking, ask what sites each other is a member of, and wind up discovering that they know each other.
    This is quite inconvenience for me. Being friendly and open is good but i rather keep it to myself.
    But, if we have a lot in common, i think it quite safe to have some conversation and exchange thing that you feel comfortable.
    At this point, most of the online friends I have are people I've known and talked to continuously for 6-7 years. In the longest cases, I've known some of these people for 11-12 years. That's over half my life. So for those online friendships, sharing the odd personal detail is not really that crazy for us. I think this may also be a 'cultural' difference between the zoomer and millennial generations.

    As far as online acquaintances or community members, it's still often a good opportunity to make new friends when there are events or get-togethers! I am pretty anxious so I don't love one-on-one meetups but I've met friends from online in groups in public spaces and it has been a great time! Planning to get food at a fun restaurant together is a good way to break the ice.

    I've met people I knew online by chance twice. They were such ridiculous coincidences I couldn't believe it.
    Thank you so much, everyone! The stories related sound like fun. That's really neat!

    @MagicalMiku: Yep, "IRL" stands for "in real life." Sorry for the confusion!
    Ugh, I ended up going to bed early and then splitting my longer sleep time with music work. I love what I accomplished, but I'm FEELIN' only having slept 2.5-3 hours at a time.
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    Would taking a nap help? They make me depressed sometimes, but they help some people.
    Probably--I'd love one! I've got work, though.

    Coffee is helping, though, along with a really deep breath or two sometimes. This'll just have to be one of those pleasurable pains associated with trying to grow creatively :) .
    I had a dumbly profound thought.

    When you're little and you start learning about geography, you learn about where you live first, and then branch out into the rest of the world. So you think of everywhere else as relative to where you are/home is.

    Now imagine you grew up somewhere else entirely. A different continent, even. Probably you'd be taught the same way. And again, you'd think of everywhere relative to where home is. Except this time, home is completely different.

    Now imagine that, instead, you decided to relocate, and you spent long enough there/accepted your new home enough that you started to think of everywhere else as relative to that place instead.

    It's easy to grasp conceptually, but really try to imagine what it would feel like to natively think of things from each of those perspectives.

    I guess people who travel around the globe routinely probably at least start to experience these sorts of things, but it's sort of a mindjob, isn't it, imagining the first image that comes to mind/your initial perception of the world changing? It's sort of disorienting, in a good way, the same way that a room looks completely different the first time you view it from standing on top of a table.
    Can you set the singing style for multiple regions at once in Vocaloid 5? If you select multiple regions, the Customize button gets deactivated.
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    Reactions: IO+ and WyndReed
    Pin, i wanted to know too, if it impossible i hope they put it on v6 update roadmap.
    @IO+, @WyndReed: Hm, it seems like you can. If all the regions are in the same track, you can just select all, and the Customize button will remain active.

    If your regions are on different tracks, if you click the Customize button in one one region and set it as you like, you can then click and drag to select all the other regions, and the Customize pane will stay open. Settings you make at that point will be applied to all the selected regions. (I don't think it's really supposed to work like that--it seems like more of a hack. But it works. As a warning, doing that did make my performance meter in V5 go a bit nuts for maybe a minute or two.)

    In both cases, there's an exception when turning off effects--I had to do that for each region individually.
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