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  • My first original is scheduled to go live on YouTube/Spotify/etc on April 24th. It's something I wrote a year and a half ago (literally my first attempt at anything musical), and I've finished two more since then, with a bit more knowledge and experience behind them. It's exciting to get it out there finally.
    Interesting. It looks like there is some vocaloid usage in the Guardians of the Galaxy 3 soundtrack. Saw people talking about this Koinu no Carnival track, and I see it in the track listing when I search it. I definitely hear Miku and the Crypton gang.
    WHATTTT! That's awesome
    I was wonderin why people were bringing this song up all of a sudden. I thought people were getting into the Classicaloid anime and realised all Chopin's stuff uses VOCALOID. That's neat to see it here, though!
    What a time to be a vocaloid and marvel fan.
    I was not expecting a Teto SynthV bank of all things. (Are they bilingual like Vocaloid 6 banks, or is this Japanese only?) That's awesome. I already see a lot of buzz on Twitter about it.
    When I did my recent remix, I spent something like an hour manually marking my arranger track out with chords from an external analysis tool. Now I just upgraded to Studio One Professional (it's 30% off until the end of the month!), which includes the basic version of Melodyne...it can do that automatically with a couple of clicks.
    I just hit a 1000 day streak on Duolingo. (日本語, of course.) A ton of that is repetition on earlier lessons to drill hiragana and katakana though. (If I'm tired, I just do an easy one to check it off.) Kanji are still mostly a mystery and I only know some rudimentary grammar. I wish I had more time to dedicate to it; I'd pick up a textbook or something.
    Yuck. Finally had my ENT appointment. Ear pressure and pain is a Eustachian tube blockage. Got prescriptions for relatively high dosages of nasal sprays and have to use one of those awful saline irrigation bottles. >_<

    On a better note, mixing for my song is close to done.
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    Elch. I hope you get to feeling better!
    We'll see in six weeks...
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    Hope you get better soon, and I feel you I got a vestibular syndrom/nevritis stuff last year and even if it healed strangely by itself it was not fun at all =C
    Getting a bit of work done today on my song for the Miku Expo contest. Having to rush the lyrics a little bit (I'm definitely better at writing choruses than verses), but I think I'm happy with them...just one more line to write and put into the editor. That leaves the rest of the time for mixing and maybe some additional vocal tuning. (Mostly I just do phoneme substitutions and fix bad things with OPE and VEL, maybe some note bends and vibrato if I'm feeling fancy lol.)
    Whoo! Expo Kickstarter is up to $200K. 1/3 of the way to the minimum. And I also just received art files for the first song I completed a few months back.
    I just bought a pair of AirPods Pro (I want active noise cancelling for the office) and the first thing I did after playing with the noise cancellation modes and playing a few songs I know well? Test my vocaloid song project mixes I had on my phone lol. They're surprisingly decent compared to my Sony MDRs.
    Productive three day weekend so far. Getting into the mixing stage for my second original (which I'm more proud of than my first) and had some discussions with my artist/sibling about artwork to go with both songs. Also making good progress on my next project, which I'm hoping will be my entry to the Miku Expo contest. Got a good 909 drum groove, bass line, an intro I'm okay with, a synth section and maybe half a chorus that's written, set to music and in the vocal editor.

    If all goes well, I could have three originals and a cover coming out in the coming months.
    One of my favorite small things about moving to an area with more people is seeing cars with anime vinyl wraps periodically. I at least want a Miku window decal...
    Sad news about Kira. Looks like he's taking an indefinite mental health break. Hopefully things get better soon.
    Kira's work is a significant part of why I decided to start dabbling in music. Having an opportunity to remix Highlight was also one of the, well, highlights of this year for me.
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