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  • Is Vault Kid still around? Been listening to a bunch of their music lately and figured I'd drop them a shout-out, but they don't seem to be here anymore.
    I didn't realize they were on here, until I happened to spot the name on the Discord group when I happened to check it recently. I first heard of them through their cool collaboration with Flanger Moose during the 2021 Miku Expo.
    Same here. Their music has a great 90s/Lofi/chiptune vibe. And their 4Blood remix is great!
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    I'll have to look into it more sometime. Especially since I'm a big fan of 4Blood.
    Why does it seem like every tom sample I have had so much frickin' reverb on it? It's like they weren't secure enough with them just being what they are (a drum), they had to slap some effect on them to make them "special."

    Ah, I shouldn't complain. I could probably get a basic tom from one of my stock instruments, I just wanted to get one out of XO to avoid loading another plug-in. And XO is really good for its breadth of different sounds, so it's not like it needs to focus on more vanilla ones you easily could get elsewhere. And I did find a kick that'll do.
    I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Right after I laid down, I got an inspiration. Two hours later, I'd written most of a roughly 1-page fanfic.

    Which is to say: new mini vocal synth fanfic coming soon!
    Currently wearing moccasins (Native American shoes) and a Miku Expo t-shirt, driving coffee from my Miku mug, working on lofi (hip hop?) music featuring Australian samples and where a Japanese girl sings in English.

    The world's different aspects (not even really nationalities; all kinds of things) can get along this way, and I wish they would more often.
    Music is great for that, honestly. I'm really interested in Eurodance/Eurobeat and House, which only existed because of that sort of global fusion. You have Japanese drum machines and synths (TR-909, Akai samplers, and Roland, Yamaha and Korg synths were ubiquitous) on one hand. Those genres all directly descend from disco, which predominantly was an American Black/Latin/LGBT thing to start with...and clubs like the Warehouse were key in disco evolving into early House after mainstream backlash. Then things evolved a lot in European clubs (particularly Italy, with Italo Disco and Eurobeat, and France with House acts like Daft Punk) and went on to be a major influence on J-Pop starting in the late 90s.

    Any time you hear a drum machine playing a typical four-on-the-floor dance beat, you're hearing something that's a part of that lineage. It's cool to think about.
    Thoughts on Miku singing in English:

    Intelligibility is important to me, but there's also a point where you have to respect a vocal synth for being what it is. Miku English is a vocal synth of a Japanese woman singing in English, which isn't her first language. That's not something you complain about; it's part of the color and part of the character.

    I personally also find her struggles in this area thematically apropos. All of her users are struggling with something, whether it's with doing the music thing or something else. The fact that English takes a bit more work for her fits well into that idea--it's like there's something she struggles with, too. That shared struggle has been part of her character since "Miku Miku no Shiite Ageru."

    That said, I wouldn't be opposed to an AI Miku who could do English more smoothly, as long as it sounds like her. There was nothing wrong with the direction of V4, IMO, for example.

    (Continued below.)
    Side thought:

    I wonder.... If Miku AI became a thing, and we're worried about it sounding like her, why not train the AI partly on her classic songs? Ask the big classic Miku producers-- Deco*27, kz, Mitchie M, etc.--if they'd be willing to have their 2000s-era songs used to help train Miku's AI. CFM's probably the only company with the necessary relationships with its fanbase to try something like this. Some of the producers might decline, but maybe a bunch of them wouldn't mind--maybe in exchange for modest one-time compensation, or a grateful thanks on the box. The songs are over 10 years old anyway, and producers' primary output is songs, not tuning (though it might be a somewhat bigger deal for Mitchie, who's known as a tuning god). (Or open things up and ask for volunteers to have their songs used.) Throw those songs from all those different classic era producers together, along with the human training material that would've been used anyway, into a blender and see what the AI comes out with. Shouldn't it be less AI-sameness and more of what Miku's iconic sound has come to be?

    In that scenario, you have Miku and her fanbase teaching the next generation of Miku. What could be more appropriate than that?

    I feel like her strong accent and mispronunciations give her a certain element of character? Like she worked hard to learn English herself to speak to and sing for her international fans. And I've pretty much always been a fan of characters having their own speaking styles and accents, and when it comes to Vocaloids I think about this a lot too (I did a ton of research on Irish accents largely to piece together Avanna's speaking style even).

    In a Talkloid set earlier, like in her early V3 days, I might have Miku be more likely to make mistakes; not full on "you-no-take-candle" level broken English, but some very odd phrasing, malapropisms and incorrect use of grammar here and there. By V4 she's much less likely to make mistakes like that but still has features like relative lack of difference in stressed and unstressed syllables (resulting in a very "measured"-sounding prosody). I can see her having an almost exaggerated American intonation, almost as if she's reading a book aloud or something (reading a book aloud in an engaging way, not like the kid in school who reads it in the most flat and boring way possible).

    I think for Miku I might use lots of pitch bend to give her an almost "bouncing" intonation, but give her more measured, occasionally unsure or unsteady, stress, while Avanna's speech is flatter pitch-wise (nowhere near a monotone but much less pitch-bend-y) but has a more rhythmic, "lilting" stress pattern.

    Also, I tend to make Miku speak in a pretty high pitch which should be unsurprising (unless I'm using dark, solid, or V3 English where I pitch it down a few notches). Avanna, of course, speaks much lower (and making a Talkloid with Miku and switching it to Avanna produces some very jarring results; Avanna should not speak like a Japanese teen pop star, it's safe to say).
    You know a song we hardly ever hear in concerts? Iroha's "Moon." Awesome song, though it's a bit different, so getting the vibe to fit might be a bit of a challenge. Still, it'd be really cool to see that happen again!
    I'm feeling like a bacon breakfast sandwich, some coffee with too much sugar/etc. to be good for me, some sunshine, and a day off. Sound good to anyone else?
    kz had an incredible setlist at Digital Stars 2022. I go to kz for some of the sweetest classic Miku songs, but he can put together his work and others into a real banger setlist, too.
    After some research, awhile of failed trial and error experiments, and a period of having given up, I've just relearned that you can hold down the shift key and drag the mouse on the Presonus Presence instruments' keyboard to scroll to lower/higher notes.

    Why!? Why wasn't that more intuitive!? I mean, really, who would think to do that if they didn't already know they could? (I mean, granted, I thought of it at one point, but the fact that I was able to forget it and then struggle to find it again....)
    I'm real late to appreciate this, but it's amazing how much of a difference in pronunciation you can get by splitting a note. By shortening/lengthening vowels, it seems like you can sometimes change how they get pronounced; similar to consonants, you can also either make them more evident or less intrusive. The end result being, you can make vocals clearer, or at least get the pronunciation more like how you imagine it. (Sometimes, this work has made me wonder if I pronounce words correctly, or if I'm just making Miku speak more like I do.)

    Sometimes replacing phonemes doesn't do it, but taking explicit control of the lengths of your consonants and vowels does.
    I rely on that trick a lot. You can also use the Velocity parameter to adjust how prominent the consonant part is also, if they sound too intrusive. Similarly, I occasionally dip DYN down a bit when I can't get a vowel sound right. It just makes it sound less annunciated and can sort of hide weird pronunciation.
    English Vocaloids have a tendency to pronounce a word in kind of a short way? Like they're barely noticing the vowel or something- I've especially noticed this with Miku. So splitting the note in two helps me have Miku, for example, pronounce a word the way I want her to.
    That's is so true!! I do all my pitch bends this way. It's way more reliable for V5 than the drawing it.(i can never get a smooth transition) You can also add multiple different phonemes on a short/tiny note to drastically change the pronunciation of the following long note.
    I'm liking the new background on VocaDB. The other one had been up for awhile, and it makes a nice change!
    The rein of Sakura Miku has ended
    IIRC, aside from [Sil], there was at least one other Vocaloid phoneme that could be used to produce a silence/break between phonemes, right? Can someone remind me what it was?

    (Sadly, not sure which version/language it was in, if it existed. If there is such a thing, I'd be interested in knowing regardless!)
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    I'll give those a look, too!

    @peaches2217: You sort of answered this already, but I can't find [x] on the phoneme lists I've checked. Do you know where it comes from and if it had an intended usage besides being an alternative [Sil]?
    I honestly don’t remember. I think it’s just a matter of that phoneme not actually existing, so it makes the note silent.
    Miku's Japanese voicebanks and AVANNA and SONiKA all have [Asp] but unfortunately Miku English does not.
    Booster round 2!

    I haven't heard what anyone else's experience with the booster is, but aside from my arm hurting and maybe being marginally tired/fuzzy, I'm not experiencing any side effects. My side effects were never super bad to begin with, but I think it's at least plausible that my body has gotten better at handling this.
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