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  • So, I've been working on my music today. I use BT headphones, and for awhile I took a break and did some other stuff, using my computer's speakers.

    Then I came back, turned on my headphones, and was baffled by the weird echo/humming I was getting whenever Miku sang. I checked that only one Piapro track was getting sung at a time. I closed/reopened Studio One, looked for something I might have turned on by accident.... I was getting concerned that a file got corrupted or something.

    Then I saw the light on my soundbar. Of course there was an echo--I was hearing both the speakers and the headphones, which, being wireless, have a slight delay.

    Ha ha ha ha ha!

    Turned the soundbar off. No more echo! :kaito_move:

    Ok, back to work! :miku_chickadee:
    I've had the chorus to "Maybe Lucky" stuck in my head all weekend....

    When I really get into a song, sometimes if I'm by myself I'll turn the music up and hum along. My birds get into Vocaloid music sometimes, but they just looked at me like I was crazy.

    Now it's Monday, and that chorus isn't going anywhere. I'm getting visions of my work turning into a musical, and this theme blasting amid my coworkers singing and dancing....

    Do you think I'm sleep-deprived or something? These crazy ideas must be coming from somewhere.... :)
    I imagine weird/impossible stuff about work all the time (like everyone fighting off a robber or a fight breaking out in the back room dramatically or imagine meeting a star or something like that), I feel like thinking of imaginary situations is normal to kill time or just plan scenarios (not matter how unlikely they may be). Are you concerned because you never imagine things like this until lately and feel like it's not normal for you?
    Nah, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Especially since the song is stuck, I'm sure I'd just rather think about it than the stuff I'm supposed to be thinking about :) . The musical scene is actually characteristic of my sense of humor sometimes, especially when I get a bit punchy :).

    I probably should have ended that status post with a :) emoji or something. We're all good'n sane here! I'm sorry for concerning you; I didn't mean to worry anyone! Thank you for caring!

    Edit: Updated original post to add emoji.
    I swear, if I were magical, I think I'd probably have a Miku-shaped Patronus.

    Also, my MP3 player is set to random, and it just picked the very song I was thinking about. It has over 100 choices ATM, and it picked exactly the one I had in mind.


    I wish I could run my MP3 player and work on music at the same time, because I need to block out some...things...

    Oh well. No wizard can cast two spells at once....
    While working on our Tuning Resource, it's been fun to see how many times Vocaloid Wiki lists threads from the old VocaloidOtaku as references. And plenty of VO's members are here, so...that's really cool, too :kaito_move:.
    Happy Fourth of July! It's Independence Day in the USA, but regardless of that, here's wishing everyone the freedom to be themselves:
    After a number of weeks, got some time to work on some music stuff over the weekend. Really happy about it!
    Watched a concert video over the weekend. Now I have Sand Planet going around in my head. Not going to sing along where other people can hear me.... No, I'm not....
    "IEI kyou!..."
    Somehow I've made 400 posts in less than a year!? :)
    Only about another month until VVN's 1-yr birthday!
    • Like
    Reactions: MillyAqualine
    Oh I feel the same way!! I had 500+ before the end of 2018! It’s so weird
    Ooh, wow, I hadn't realized you'd gotten up that high! Congrats!
    • Like
    Reactions: Jikyu and uncreepy
    Maybe Wat really is releasing the Cryptonloid Appends for Luka's anniversary at the end of January?! They might be preparing by forcing people to buy V4 since they will be V4 Appends?
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    I know V5 caught everyone by surprise apart from AHS, but I'll be disappointed if any Crypton updates are on V4. (At least they would be backwards compatible on V5 if that's the case).
    Think I might know the answer, but want to check: when you embed a gallery, is there a way to have only the most recent item appear as a thumbnail?
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