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Anime/manga you stopped watching/reading

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I had a thread a bit similar to this back when VO was still alive, but I didn't think to recreate it on here until now. Plus the Anime & Manga subforum is pretty dead, so I thought I'd try to revive it.

I've spoilered the stuff I've dropped, since I got a bit concerned my lists might get too long. ^^;

Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kira - I love Higurashi, but these OVAs were just pointless gross fanservice. Aside from the magical girl episode (because I'm magical girl trash), I was just disgusted and felt unclean watching it. Had to drop it.

Umineko No Naku Koro Ni - Speaking of When They Cry in general... I dropped it because I got bored of it too quickly, but apparently the anime is a bad adaptation of the games anyway. I've heard the manga was much better though (like how the Higurashi manga is better than the anime)?

Black Rock Shooter OVA - Since it was only one episode, I actually stopped watching halfway through. I was just that bored while watching it. No idea if the TV version was any better or worse.

Panty & Stocking - I normally like adult comedies, but this was way too much for me to handle... It also gave me a lasting negative feedback impression of adult Western animation, considering that Panty & Stocking was the Japanese interpretation of shows like South Park and Family Guy. (I'm sorry, if this is what other countries think American animation in particular is like, then adult animation needs to move away from the SP/FG styles of comedy and start experimenting with more mature stories, like anime has done for so long. But a full rant about that would need a seperate forum thread.)

Genocyber - Here's a more obscure one, unless you're of a certain age who can remember the time when the first anime distributors tended to release hyperviolent or sexual movies and OVAs. The first episode had some interesting animation techniques (a mix of 2D animation, live action scenes and CGI), but the plot was sloppily written and seemed more interested in showing off its (well animated and still legit shocking) gore than telling a story. The second and third episodes ditch any leaning of being an arthouse production and just become a sea of gorn. The final two episodes are widely considered to be crap by the people who watched the OVAs all the way through, so I didn't bother watching them.
Magical x Miracle - I think this is the only manga I've dropped so far compared to the amount of anime I've dropped. I just didn't think the story was going anywhere by volume 2, so I stopped reading it. But perhaps I was being too hard on it at the time, since I think it was the mangaka's first big publication?


Oct 8, 2019
Angel Beats!: I just couldn't watch it, everything about it was so incredebly shallow. It has aged terribly imo, it was so obviously made in 2010 and I'll just let it stay in 2010. But the vn could be great for all I know :miku2_move:

Cowboy Bebop: Probably the biggest borefest I tried sitting through.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: not as boring as Cowboy Bebop but it also didnt interest me at all.

And the one I have the strongest feelings about.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: My plan was to go throught the whole FMA franchise and I started with FMA03, it has flaws but it has many strenghts too and it became one of my big favorites and I became bit invested in the franchise, that's when I came across Brotherhood fans. It's alright to prefer brotherhood over 03 and it's ok to criticize 03 for it's flaws but those folks will jump at any chance to shit on 03 and are so biased towards brotherhood that they looove to spread half truths and lies about 03. And yes not every brotherhood fan is like that, that goes without saying. I tried watching brtoherhood, I had some issues with it and brotherhood fans soured my experience enough for me to just...drop the show. I'm not really planning on going back to it, when I'll want to see the original story ( which I'd want to at some point ) I'll read the manga instead. I own the...3 first volumes?? I think? Anyways so yeah...
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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I've never really been that much into anime or manga so I obviously don't have series I've dropped. Apart from one; Detective Conan. I used to read it when I was around 13 (I guess, can't remember when exactly). It just started to get repetitive, in every chapter someone is murdered and then Conan solves the case. I felt the main plot of the manga didn't progress and the books were mostly a collection of separate stories with no link to each other or the main plot. In the end I felt the series wasn't worth following anymore.
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
Cowboy Bebop: Probably the biggest borefest I tried sitting through.
Cowboy Bebop is a brave mention, considering in some anime circles, it's considered heresy to talk bad about it (mainly because of how legendary the English dub is.) I personally haven't seen it, so I can't put my own judgement on it.

I've never really been that much into anime or manga so I obviously don't have series I've dropped. Apart from one; Detective Conan. I used to read it when I was around 13 (I guess, can't remember when exactly). It just started to get repetitive, in every chapter someone is murdered and then Conan solves the case. I felt the main plot of the manga didn't progress and the books were mostly a collection of separate stories with no link to each other or the main plot. In the end I felt the series wasn't worth following anymore.
I read one volume of Detective Conan (under the Case Closed title) when I was a kid, but that was it. Seeing the current length of the manga and all the filler in it, I have no interest in trying to catch up.
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kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I love Detective Conan, but I would never ever recommend going through the entire series to a casual fan, haha. There are lists out there with manga chapters/anime episodes that actually progress the plot at least, and the manga's fairly consistent with introducing new things to advance the main story (however slow it may be) -- the anime is about 95% filler though. That didn't stop me from watching all (at the time) 700+ episodes, which was quite a doozy. But I'm a huge fan orz. Detective Conan is good, but I completely understand those who don't want to bother with it.

Back to the main topic, I don't drop many things, mainly because even if I hate it, I'll want to finish it so that my anger can at least be justified.

The only anime I can remember straight up dropping is Parasyte (though I eventually did go back to finish it later, so it didn't last). I LOVED the beginning of the anime (and even now it's still my favorite part of the entire thing), and I get what the progression of Shinichi's character was trying to portray, but I dropped it (for a while) at the part where
he dropped the dead kitten in the garbage can. I vaguely remember another character being horrified at this, but I was just so angry at it that I stopped watching right there and left LOL.
Like I said though, I did eventually go back and finish the whole thing -- if only because my friends were interested and wanted to watch it with me so I had to see it again, lol. Overall I do like Parasyte, but that one part.... ugh.

Everything else I haven't finished I wouldn't consider dropped... I just haven't had the motivation to finish them...? I definitely will go back and finish them all... someday.
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
An (ex)friend got me into Black Butler, because that was her favorite anime/manga. I loved it at first, but as it went on it got... way too disturbing. Given it's already deeply disturbing, that's saying something. Specifically, I read ahead and found out what happened to Ciel when he was 10 (not the sacrifice/demon summoning, the other thing), and seeing a child, one not much older than my baby sister, having that done to them graphically and on-frame... I cried the rest of the day and felt sick for the rest of the week. I brought that up with said friend and voiced a desire to just skip past those chapters and get on with the main plotline, because I really did like what I'd read/seen up to then. She promptly made fun of me and made no shortage of "LOL WHAT, ARE YOU TrIgGeReD" jokes, so I just dropped the whole series out of spite.

I've still got a soft spot for the series up to that point though. Actually, I even cosplayed Ciel last year.


Longtime Listener
Apr 8, 2018
The one that sticks out in my mind was Monochrome Factor because I was super angry at the plot of a certain episode and I just couldn't bring myself to continue no matter how addicted I was to Suwabe's voice acting at the time.

I've also pretty much dropped My Hero Academia, the manga because I'm just no good at following longer/ongoing manga and the anime because I just lost the motivation to pay for a sub to keep up with it. Twitter spoilers didn't help with that.


Add sunthing ー☆
Jan 22, 2020
Well this is a visual novel with anime adaptation so I hope you count it, cuz I rarely watch anime. People who watched the anime told me it was the same just more rushed, with less character development and only one ending , soooooooooo, yeah:

God I'm sooo mad with this game I can't even. It's stories are so fricking generic and the characters omg. The only routes I've finished atm are of Mai and Makoto. Mai is sooo long, so repetitive. The fights at night are soo boring. The slice of life parts are nice at the start but get very repetitive at the end. I would constantly cringe with Mai's impulsiveness and ugh. They pulled a childhood friends backstory out of their ass and made her Mai kill herself out of nowhere. God that was terrible.

Makoto UGH. I. HATE. HER. I really wanted to like her, cuz she looks like asuka and asuka is super #relatable to me, but she's sooooo annoying for most part of her route, only to, in the middle of her route, get a sudden change in personality. Her dehumanization made me really sad, but honestly? That wasn't enough for me to like the route. Yuuichi's love for her was forced, his sudden change of heart when he discovers the truth about her feels like his love came from a place of pity. He starts the route convicing Nayuki and Akiko that Makoto was horrible, and when he suddenly changes his perspective, he expects everyone to change too, and when they don't, he gets mad at them and treat them rudely. I get he's desperate but that was unecessary.

I'm currently ending the ""best"" rated route of the game, which is Shiori's. Yet another girl that will die in the end. Honestly, their death's don't even make me emotional anymore. It's such a cheap overused trick that lost it's meaning. Shiori's route is fine, but honestly? I don't feel like their romance is justified. She's much more like a sister then a girlfriend to me. She keeps repeating the same stuff over and over. What her sister was doing is really cruel and totally unjustified. And I just dropped in the middle of her route because the romance feels so rushed. Like you've known each other for 2 weeks and you're madly in love????? I knoow that some love stories are rushed but wtf??? also, girl get a life, stop standing in a school courtyard in the middle of winter.

I was really excited for Nayuki's route cuz Ayu is annoying and I know she is another sick girl yara yara, but she lives in the end or something like that. If hear her say "uguu' once again I'll end myself. I'm really not excited for her route. It saddens me to see that many consider Nayuki's route to be the worst, and if it's that bad I really don't want to play it, cuz I'm scared it will ruin my good impression of Nayuki. Which is sad, cuz I felt she's the only one with a true connection with Yuuichi, their relationship, even in the other routes, is develop nicely (Mai aswell, that was one of the best parts of the route), the rest of the girls feel rushed af.

So yeah, currently dropped Kanon, don't know when I'll get back.
also also

Kanon 2002 op > Kanon 2006 op
The fact that 2006 uses the vn song triggers me so much, it literalli makes me cri and shake, I hate that song.


👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
The one that sticks out in my mind was Monochrome Factor because I was super angry at the plot of a certain episode and I just couldn't bring myself to continue no matter how addicted I was to Suwabe's voice acting at the time.
Oh man, I was like the biggest Monochrome Factor lover on the face of the earth back in the day. I loved both the manga and the anime, my books are basically falling apart because I read them so much. The manga and anime are COMPLETELY different. The manga has really cool, long fight scenes frequently (especially in volume 2, almost the entire volume is dedicated to a desperate fight in the park and it's drawn so well). The anime is a super campy BL (Shirogane is really creepy and I loved it), but he's not like that at all in the manga, where he is always very serious and kind of evil/suspicious. The endings are different and maybe the biggest difference is Homurabi (the villain), who is a weird cow skull guy in the anime with a different bad guy plot, but he's a red haired guy in the comic who leads a group of other bad guys.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
Well this is a visual novel with anime adaptation so I hope you count it, cuz I rarely watch anime. People who watched the anime told me it was the same just more rushed, with less character development and only one ending , soooooooooo, yeah:

God I'm sooo mad with this game I can't even. It's stories are so fricking generic and the characters omg. The only routes I've finished atm are of Mai and Makoto. Mai is sooo long, so repetitive. The fights at night are soo boring. The slice of life parts are nice at the start but get very repetitive at the end. I would constantly cringe with Mai's impulsiveness and ugh. They pulled a childhood friends backstory out of their ass and made her Mai kill herself out of nowhere. God that was terrible.

Makoto UGH. I. HATE. HER. I really wanted to like her, cuz she looks like asuka and asuka is super #relatable to me, but she's sooooo annoying for most part of her route, only to, in the middle of her route, get a sudden change in personality. Her dehumanization made me really sad, but honestly? That wasn't enough for me to like the route. Yuuichi's love for her was forced, his sudden change of heart when he discovers the truth about her feels like his love came from a place of pity. He starts the route convicing Nayuki and Akiko that Makoto was horrible, and when he suddenly changes his perspective, he expects everyone to change too, and when they don't, he gets mad at them and treat them rudely. I get he's desperate but that was unecessary.

I'm currently ending the ""best"" rated route of the game, which is Shiori's. Yet another girl that will die in the end. Honestly, their death's don't even make me emotional anymore. It's such a cheap overused trick that lost it's meaning. Shiori's route is fine, but honestly? I don't feel like their romance is justified. She's much more like a sister then a girlfriend to me. She keeps repeating the same stuff over and over. What her sister was doing is really cruel and totally unjustified. And I just dropped in the middle of her route because the romance feels so rushed. Like you've known each other for 2 weeks and you're madly in love????? I knoow that some love stories are rushed but wtf??? also, girl get a life, stop standing in a school courtyard in the middle of winter.

I was really excited for Nayuki's route cuz Ayu is annoying and I know she is another sick girl yara yara, but she lives in the end or something like that. If hear her say "uguu' once again I'll end myself. I'm really not excited for her route. It saddens me to see that many consider Nayuki's route to be the worst, and if it's that bad I really don't want to play it, cuz I'm scared it will ruin my good impression of Nayuki. Which is sad, cuz I felt she's the only one with a true connection with Yuuichi, their relationship, even in the other routes, is develop nicely (Mai aswell, that was one of the best parts of the route), the rest of the girls feel rushed af.

So yeah, currently dropped Kanon, don't know when I'll get back.
also also

Kanon 2002 op > Kanon 2006 op
The fact that 2006 uses the vn song triggers me so much, it literalli makes me cri and shake, I hate that song.
I enjoyed Kanon 2006, but I found the story slow to kick off at first. I haven't seen Kanon 2004, so I can't say anything about it in comparison, but I do have it listed on my growing 'anime to watch' list.

On the whole, I do think Clannad (including After Story) was the better anime adaptation of a Key visual novel though.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I read Bleach for like the first two and a half arcs. Well, sort of: I just skimmed over the final fight with Sosuke Aizen. The series lost it for me sometime during the fight with Szayelaporro Granz. When I re-review the manga, it doesn't seem so much so, but by that time, the fight scenes seemed like they kept getting drawn out unnecessarily, and I just ended up feeling really bored.


May 17, 2018
Naruto Shippuden. I dropped it in the middle of the great ninja war arc around the time the gold and silver brothers shown up.

Spice and Wolf S1 is another one even though I'm a bit tempted to restart it from the beginning. Kinda in the same boat with Steins Gate, but not really.

Black Lagoon tried to be *edgy* but it got a bit boring to me.

Valvrave the Liberator... well, pretty much everybody dropped it at the same time haha.
Sep 21, 2019
Pokemon. The original animes are fine but the modern ones are awful imo.
I still watch it from time to time, but the modern ones tend to be very hit-miss and don't handle the plot very well, imo (also, some of the voices in the English dub are really bad, but I don't really like the Japanese version that much either). (I've enjoyed Sun and Moon, but it took them far too long to introduce Guzma and they messed up severely on the Aether Foundation and Necrozma Arcs.)


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Oh god, there's a lot I've dropped. Not necessarily because anything was wrong with the series, but just because I got busy and and kept putting it off and saying I'd finish it later and...well, later never came. This happened with Cardcaptor Sakura, Princess Tutu, Attack on Titan, Ouran High School Host Club, One Punch Man, and some other show I watched half of but I can't even remember the name or the plot anymore.
Panty and Stocking I dropped because the humour wasn't really my thing. I generally like raunchy comedy, but P&S didn't hit the mark for me I guess.
Free! I watched a little bit of because my friends LOVED it and raved about it to me nonstop and kept encouraging me to watch it, but I was very bored. Really the only animes I tend to enjoy are magical girl shows, so it just wasn't something I wanted to watch.
Angel Beats was another show I watched because I heard such high praise of it but I found it boring so I never finished it. I remember when I realized I wasn't going to bother watching the whole series anymore I skipped to the last episode just to see what the ending was since everyone talked about it so much.
I watched one episode of Penguindrum and then never watched it again, although I don't know why I dropped it anymore.
And K-On I stopped watching halfway through the second season just because I bought the manga and started reading it instead of watching it.

Discounted account

Pokemon, I just sometime watching it. Used to be into it when it come out then stop. Did went back watching some episodes and it change. Ash been hanging out with different people, watch again another episodes he with another pair of people. Is Ash meant to be Red Ash or legendary Pokemon master? Watching these anime he far from it but guess it like that to make show interesting. Also it got rebooted it.
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v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
oh i have many but ill try and recall what i can remember....

Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, One Piece (for DBZ i also tried the manga) - i put these in the same line bc it was for similar reasons... theyre popular series and i dont think theyre bad. but its hard to keep up with series people hype up SO MUCH but said people are already caught up to the 500+ episodes. i tried to sit down and get into them but none of them were interesting enough for me to actually want to sit down and see what everyone was so hyped about!
Haikyū!! - no negative feelings about this one either. i had happed on the Whole Sports Anime band wagon on tumblr when i was 15~ or so, and i did like the first season but the bandwagon was less and less exciting for me as i kinda dipped out of many fandom spaces, so i never continued the series.
Free! - same as Haikyuu, but i did enjoy that one a bit more.
Wolf's Rain - definitely not one i dropped for a bad reason but i wanted to list because its amusing as to why i never finished it. basically i watched this way back in the early days of youtube split into parts. all the parts were getting removed randomly and me being a dump kid, never managed to finish the last few episodes lol. when i have energy, i will rewatch it for nostalgia's sake! Ghost Hound was another one i dropped for similar reasons but i hope to also pick it back up to see how it really was!
Dramatical Murder (yes, the anime adaption): so i was really into DMMD (the game) in 8th grade. i thought about revisit it in 10th grade by watching the anime version and was like "jesus christ, why was i ever into this" so yeah... it was more of a reminder to my weird/poor taste in middle school.
Tokyo Ghoul - man. i hopped on this hype train on tumblr. i watched season 1. i thought it looked lovely and the plot was pretty cool! but i can just say i lost interest as i tried to hop into season 2.... cant recall exactly why anymore but all Hype of the initial release kinda faded and i was not super into what the story was doing after season 1. the more i heard about the other seasons i was just so damn confused and uninterested, i didnt plan to try watching more.
Sword Art Online - i think this is a known one to dislike. but the truth is i watched it quite a bit before all the hype and quite enjoyed the first season and concept! i thought it was great. but like many others, the story continued and...yeah, dropped it. i tried to watch the next season or two but it just wasnt good to me.

i dont read nearly as much manga.... i tend to like animated forms more as theyre easier to get into it. i only have one to list here but its probably the only thing i dropped and have a slightly negative reason for it.
Black Butler - not surprised this was mentioned but i was in this manga for a LONG time and i wish things had gone differently... should be said i have enjoyed the more recent anime adaption of the older arcs (the dinner murder, the circus, the luxury liner) and may watch a few more if they adapt those older and better arcs. i was into black butler since i was like... 10 years old (im 22 now). i started with the anime of course and even i back then enjoyed the weird mess that was season 2 with Alois. i moved to the manga around then because i wanted more content. and i bought every single volume of the manga until i got to the one that made me drop it.... so yes, why did i drop Black Butler after almost 10 years of following it??? i enjoyed it a lot, really, for what it was. i liked the mystery and the murder, the suspense and the characters. However i was older by the time i was reading the Emerald Witch arc so i think i was a bit more aware of things that didnt feel right..? the Emerald Witch arc kinda fell flat- it had some pretty interesting points being made but by the time they moved on i was like "wait we're done??" and then it got worse with the next arc which again had a Very interesting set up imo and i liked it. but it quickly fell into a whole different mess which i wish was handled better. Which was the whole... starting a punk boy band (which was funny at first but dragged on way too much) and (spoilers even tho its been a while) when the whole gear shifted and suddenly we're uncovering Ciel has a twin and oh he just killed a reoccuring main character friend, very rad. There is so much to say about that reveal, i wont get into it, i know there was a whole load of talks when it happened. in short: i was not thrilled with how the story telling was going at this point. i wouldnt have been against the reveal if it hadn't been so shoe-horned in..... i came to the conclusion that i sadly did not like the recent writing and with such a major plot development coming forward that i just couldn't stand to look at.... i just dropped it. overall there were loads of issues with recent writing aside from that one big reveal imo, and i dont think i could go back to the present day manga at this point.
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Who Needs Sleep Anyway?
Sep 18, 2021
Ohio, USA
I actually haven't watched that much anime, so I only have one that I've dropped: Parasyte. One of my friends told me about it so I decided to check it out. I got about halfway and I just kind of stopped there. It's alright, but I just never went back to it. Maybe I'll finish it some day but idk.
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