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YouTube's new TOS says they can terminate accounts that are not commercially viable


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018

"Terminations by YouTube for Service Changes

YouTube may terminate your access, or your Google account’s access to all or part of the Service if YouTube believes, in its sole discretion, that provision of the Service to you is no longer commercially viable."
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I wonder what that really means? Google probably isn't going to go combing through all their accounts to remove channels they think are so full of crap that there won't be ad revenue for them. It seems like it might another way of saying that if your account is doing something unsavory/bad/whatever, they might decide to remove it in that case, if it happens not to be commercially viable for that reason. Though there are other aspects of the terms, I'm sure, that prevent you from doing stuff that's illegal/etc., so I'm not sure why they need this....
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Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I wonder what that really means? Google probably isn't going to go combing through all their accounts to remove channels they think are so full of crap that there won't be ad revenue for them. It seems like it might another way of saying that if your account is doing something unsavory/bad/whatever, they might decide to remove it in that case, if it happens not to be commercially viable for that reason. Though there are other aspects of the terms, I'm sure, that prevent you from doing stuff that's illegal/etc., so I'm not sure why they need this....
Yeah, the reddit thread I originally read this on suggested it could be more people who use ad blockers/users who upload unmonetized videos, but my first thought was it's banning channels that post uncontroversial/more mature content.
If it's removing all channels that don't make money, a lot of YouTube is going to be so empty. I don't think this is the likely answer, but then again, Youtube has had crazier ideas, so...maybe not unbelievable.
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Mm, I don't think it's the ad blockers, since those are more about the people who watch the videos. Meaning, you'd want to remove videos that are frequented by people who use ad blockers. But my question would be, is there such a thing? Or is that group big enough to be worth adding something in the terms for? Maybe videos about online privacy or videos showing people how to use ad blockers :) . The unmonetized videos make more sense, but then couldn't YouTube just remove the option to not have ads on your videos? (If there even is such a thing; I'm not totally familiar with what kinds of options YouTubers have. The ads seem to show up often enough between videos when I'm just looking around.)

I agree with you--it's probably related to controversial/mature content.
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I saw the Reddit thread about this as well. I personally think it's Google creating a loophole to shut down accounts that have been demonetised for breaking community standards, because there have been multiple cases where monetised channels have not been dealt with properly if they violate the ToS (e.g. Logan Paul).

But this is so vaguely and poorly worded that we have to see what Google actually does after December 10th. I'm personally going to hide in a makeshift trench once the almost inevitable latest YT drama kicks off. (I highly doubt Google is planning to kick unmonetised or adblocking accounts off the site though, because 1.) My YT account fits in both categories, and 2.) Google knowing I use uBlock Origin on my Firefox is an invasion of my privacy.)

EDIT: YT has clarified what the new section of the ToS means on Twitter.
Last edited:
Sep 21, 2019
Good grief. Can't Google do anything right with YouTube? You'd think a company with as many resources as them could do far better.

Tbh, terms and conditions on some of these websites need to be more like the license agreements for Vocaloids. Easy to read and understand. :miku2_move:

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