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VOCALOID Vocaloid accents/dialects are fun


Miku-Avanna-Gumi enthusiast
May 23, 2019
You can talk about UTAU and SynthV accents here too, as well as other voice synths. (Especially with cross-lang giving us some pretty interesting accents haha)

For one thing, I'm not Irish so...does anyone know which specific dialect Avanna speaks? Her accent seems pretty soft and isn't like, hyper-affected but is still pretty definitely Irish (her pronunciations of things like [aI] and [t] come to mind).
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Miku-Avanna-Gumi enthusiast
May 23, 2019
Where Engloid VPs are from + some dialect things:

AVANNA's voice provider I eventually learned is from Dublin, Republic of Ireland, and she has a south-side/non-local Dublin accent. (The north-side/local Dublin accent doesn't sound like Avanna at all haha)

In an old interview (and info still on her Japanese Wikipedia page), they said Sonika is intended to be from near Liverpool, so her accent might be close to a Liverpudlian/"Scouse" accent. Definitely more northern English as opposed to like a London accent or something (London is in the southeast of the country). Sonika's VP is largely unknown but her accent does sound pretty northern.

SOLARIA's voice provider is from Virginia, and I believe DAINA's is as well, so they probably both have elements of that accent, DAINA especially.

Looking for where DEX's VP is from, his Twitter lists Florida as the location. I think it surprised me a bit because I thought he was from the western USA like me

I believe Ruby's VP is from New York? though her Twitter says "New York + LA"

Cyber Diva's VP I looked into and though I dunno if I can find where she originated, her FB says she went to an arts school in Michigan

Vocawiki says Big Al's VP is a native American English speaker born in Sydney, Australia? So, uh...Australian-American then? Michael King, his former VP, is from the UK though

Miriam Stockley is from Johannesburg, South Africa.

As for ANRI, it's...a mystery. Some part of me kind of expects her to be from the Midwest or West though. Or...maybe somewhere in Canada? I dunno.

Maybe it's because Eleanor Forte kinda reminds me of Ellen McLain, but I kind of expect her to be from somewhere in the South? Wherever she's from her accent sounds fairly old-fashioned.

We don't know Amy's VP, but she kinda sounds to me like she has some sort of Southern US accent.

Some of these locations could actually be where they LIVE or lived at some time, rather than where they're FROM (in Avanna's case I'm pretty sure her VP is FROM Dublin but lives elsewhere now though), so take some of these with a grain of salt I guess
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