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Other Sophia the robot folks kickstarting a miniature version of her that can sing too


May 17, 2018
Little Sophia can walk, talk, sing, play games and, like her big sister, tell jokes. With Little Sophia's software, and included tutorials through Hanson's AI Academy, she is a unique programmable, educational companion for kids, inspiring children to learn through a safe, interactive, human-robot experience. Kids, educators and even Sophia the Robot fans, regardless of age, will find Little Sophia irresistible!

A few months ago the company debuted her singing voice on Jimmy Fallon's show, but Little Sophia's voice sounded nowhere near as high quality as her normal version (well, as normal as Sophia can get). But since Little Sophia's software is going to be open source, there could be a decent amount of space to experiment with that version's singing voice.
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👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
Erg, I guess you could edit Miriam Stockley's quote of "You can't fight progress, no matter how strange it sounds" to be "how strange it looks". S: They could at least give her a wig or... hat or something.

Hopefully some people make some cool things with her being open source, they've already exceeded their Kickstarter goal ($124k out of the goal of $75 k). But the marketing seems weird, because it is heavily advertised as being for kids (especially little girls) so they can interract with her-- but what kid wants to learn STEM, coding, and AI? I can't imagine a kid owning Little Sophia and not hiding her under a blanket in the middle of the night so they don't have to look directly at her. I feel like maybe adults wanting to mess with her in Python would buy her rather than giving it to their (possibly non-existent) kids.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
But the marketing seems weird, because it is heavily advertised as being for kids (especially little girls) so they can interract with her-- but what kid wants to learn STEM, coding, and AI?
A lot more kids are getting interested in technology through the devices that are now so common in everyday life - some schools in the UK offer coding, which interests kids who are into websites and video games. There's also been a stronger push at getting girls into STEM right now. Saying that, Little Sophia's appearance is not friendly-looking at all (it baffles me that the West still hasn't taken cues from the East when it comes to making robots and androids look cute or friendly. Think of the reasons how and why character mascots became popular within Vocaloid).
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