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General PV Creation Questions Thread

Sep 21, 2019
Inspired by my own PV making endeavors, I thought it might be useful to have a thread where we can all ask whatever questions we have in regards to PV making, no matter how silly or noob-ish they may be! I figure there's certainly some people around here that know a thing or two and may be able to help!

Happy PV making!
Sep 21, 2019
Guess I'll be the first to utilize this! How might I go about animating the bit of "Ah, it's a wonderful Cat's Life" that lasts from about 1:05 to 1:10...? If the sprites stayed in once place the whole time, I'd have no issue with the expressions changing, but since the sprites move continuosly while changing, I'm not sure how to have my assets move and change expressions.
I'm using Final Cut Pro X, but advice doesn't need to be specific to it as I'm sure I can apply it regardless of the video editor.


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Not sure if this is a feature in the editor you use, but in the editor I use, I can set an entire track to move from one point to another, and I can replace whatever image I'm moving with another image seamlessly and it'll just continue moving right from where the first image was.

So the way I'd do something like that would be to have multiple images ready with various expressions (all expressions in one image, so like... one image with four or so expressions) - I'd maybe do 3 or 4 "sets" with each set having a different array of expressions (or maybe just the same expressions but swapped positions, depends on how much you or the artist wants to draw) and just keep recycling them for however long the duration is, and set the track to start from point A and go to point B. And while it's moving, I'll just replace the image with the other images in the cycle one by one and that'd be about how you do that.

I'm not sure if there's an easier way to do it, but that's the first thing that came to mind, haha.
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Sep 21, 2019
Thank you, Rylitah! Afaik, Final Cut Pro doesn't have a feature like that (or maybe it does and I'm just very new to it) but that is useful to know! May I ask which editor you use? I might give it a go!
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v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
Thank you, Rylitah! Afaik, Final Cut Pro doesn't have a feature like that (or maybe it does and I'm just very new to it) but that is useful to know! May I ask which editor you use? I might give it a go!
just had to pop in here to add, if it doesnt have that feature or you have trouble doing so, it may be worth making your two images into a video alone (just the two images switching back and forth), which you can then put into your full video, and have it pan up or down the screen (or whatever way you need it to go lol) while playing those two images. of course this means you cannot edit the alternating images, but its probably an easy way to do it.


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Ah, I switch between Vegas Pro (which I got in a Humble Bundle years ago) and After Effects (which I have for school), so... expensive software orz. If Final Cut Pro doesn't have this feature, then Morry's suggestion is a good workaround!
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Sep 21, 2019
Thank you both very much for your input! I've been recommended DaVinci Resolve in the past as well, so I'll probably give it a whirl since Final Cut Pro has ended up being pretty clunky (good thing I'm using the trial! :teto_lili:)! I'll probably look into the trials for AE and Vegas as well!
I'll play around with your suggestions--they sound like they should do the trick!! :mirai_ani_lili:
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