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Question Banned from the Discord?


"Clock on the wall reads a quarter past midnight"
Apr 9, 2018
When I go to post in the VV Discord I get a message saying I'm not allowed to. Have I been blocked from it or something? If so, I am curious as to why. I have never posted anything that could be considered offensive or abusive; in fact I don't think I've posted there at all.


Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Apr 8, 2018
Hey Mantis,

When I go to post in the VV Discord I get a message saying I'm not allowed to. Have I been blocked from it or something? If so, I am curious as to why. I have never posted anything that could be considered offensive or abusive; in fact I don't think I've posted there at all.
We're not too sure what happened, can you let us know what your Discord username is? We're looking into this right now

As noted in the #start_here channel of the Discord: "To see and talk in the main chat areas, please message one of the moderators or admins located in the top right or wait to be accepted by one of us when we can."

It may be necessary that you send a DM to one of us to help us let you in. I'll make myself online so you can send me a DM more easily!

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