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Search results

  1. riz_lady

    throwaway thread probably but i have a burning question

    so yeah idk if this is the right place to be posting these sorts of questions, but I notice a lot of members getting banned immediately after joining. Are they just bots, or something? (ik its a dumb question lmao im just super curious.)
  2. riz_lady

    Other lost/deleted vocaloid songs

    Ok so I've been obsessed with lost media for like a year now and I noticed that a lot of songs using older, less commercially successful Vocaloids have been deleted off the internet (like holy shit theres so many ones for SONiKA that are just gone). I've been pretty interested and finding these...
  3. riz_lady

    Unpopular Anime Opinions?

    Starting this thread cause I'm bored lmao I don't have many unpopular opinions but here we go :O Mine is that I don't think the music in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is that good. Don't get me wrong, the intros are amazing, but I feel like character themes and other assorted songs aren't that...